Page 81 of Collateral Damage

Lauren snapped a glare in his direction and quickly looked back to the road. “Don’t EVEN presume that you can sense what I’m thinking or feeling!”

Alex’s mouth thinned, his brows drawing downward. Her words were sharp and angry.Again.What had he said or done to deserve such a reaction? He’d seen her be open, laughing and joking with other men and women at work. Lauren trusted them. With many of these other employees, she’d been on many missions with them. Perhaps he had to prove himself to her? Surely, three weeks ago when they rescued Sky, she realized he was an operator to be trusted. Someone she could rely on. Someone who had her back. Alex drew in a deep, slow breath, trying to tune into her emotional state. He realized it wasn’t anger he felt. It was fear. Fear of him? Just because of his size? That he reminded Lauren of the big man from her past who had harmed her?

“You are right,” he murmured, his tone conciliatory. “I have not earned the right to say such things to you. I am sorry.”

Great.Now Lauren felt like a heel. She gripped the steering wheel a little more tightly, mouth flattening. Why the HELL did Kazak have to be such a gentleman? It would be so much easier if he was a bastard, an alpha male who hated her as much as she hated him. Lauren suddenly felt guilty. She didn’t hate the medic. It was really a battle to stop liking him because he was so damned likable if she was dirt honest with herself.

“Perhaps,” Alex offered gently, “as we pull missions with one another, you will come to see I have your back, Lauren. That you could begin to trust me?”

Gritting her teeth, Lauren pulled in the driveway to Sinclair’s home, relieved to be getting out of this Jeep and putting some space between them. “If I have ANYTHING to say about missions,” she told him coldly, “I’ll make damn sure Jack NEVER puts us together on one.”

Alex felt like she was throwing knives into his heart. But he knew why, and he tried not to take it personally. The only way Lauren was going to get over his size was to work with him out in the field. There, she would realize very quickly that he was an asset and would have her back. He said nothing as she parked the Jeep near the garage. Climbing out, he saw the sun far in the West, ready to dip behind the evergreens clothing the hills. He appreciated the rugged beauty of this area. Lauren quickly left and moved through the garage to an inner door that led into the home. Dragging in a deep breath, Alex gently put Lauren’s issues aside. His heart lifted and he eagerly looked forward to seeing how Sky was doing. And how Cal was handling his own fragile situation with the pregnant woman he loved with his life.

The warmth inside the Sinclair home was infectious to Alex. Cal came forward and they slapped one another on the back in welcome. Sky rushed over after hugging Lauren and threw her arms upward around Alex’s wide shoulders.

“Thank you for coming,” Sky whispered, emotional, as she hugged the massive medic.

Alex smiled gently, leaned over a bit for her sake, and gave Sky a careful embrace. “You look very, very good,” he murmured, releasing her. Sky wore a gossamer cream tunic over a gold tee beneath it. A pair of comfortable white, drapey rayon slacks made her legs look even longer. Alex saw that she and Lauren had, almost telepathically, worn a similar gold tee. He knew Sky was very close to her, and it showed in every way. Even in the colors they chose to wear. They were like twins that had been separated at birth.

“Let’s go to the living room for beer and chips,” Cal invited them. “For dinner, we’re having buffalo roast with all kinds of veggies.”

Alex grinned. “Gravy, too?”

Cal handed him a cold beer. “Yeah, for sure.” He saw the medic smile broadly. Alex loved gravy. No secret there.

Sky poured Lauren a glass of burgundy wine. She took a glass of water with lime juice in it for herself and walked with her into the living room. She and Cal sat on the couch together. Opposite of them, across the coffee table, Lauren and Alex took two chairs that sat side-by-side. Sky’s heart swelled with excitement, hoping they would agree to be with them when she birthed. The wary look Lauren gave Alex spoke volumes.

“You look beautiful, Lauren,” Sky said. She touched her gold tee and said, “I think we’re reading each other’s minds?”

Lauren laughed and nodded. “I noticed. Great minds think alike, right?” and her lips drew away from her even white teeth.

“Right,” Sky agreed, grinning.

Cal placed his arm around Sky’s waist as she sat forward, eager to talk with them. He could feel her excitement. Her hope. He wasn’t sure what would happen. Lauren did not look very comfortable with Alex in such close proximity. The medic, on the other hand, sat relaxed, smiling at Sky with that gleam in his eyes that spoke of how much he loved and adored her.

“Thank you for coming,” Sky said, her voice low with excitement. “We asked you two up here for a special reason.” She looked over at Cal and then focused on them. “We’re having a baby girl. And we’ve chosen her name. We’ve decided that I’m going to birth Makayla here, at home.”

Alex grinned. “A girl! See, you were right!”

“I love her name,” Lauren said, her voice wistful with sudden emotion.

“And is the doctor approving of you having Makayla here?” Alex asked, gesturing around the home.

“Spoken like a true combat medic,” Cal teased him. “Yeah, Dr. Simpson is fine with it. There’s no issues with Sky’s pregnancy. She’s healthy and the baby is placed correctly. It will be a straightforward birth.”

Alex nodded. “That is good to know.” He gave Sky a warm look. “And you look very happy, Sky. Home births are always a good thing. In my country, many women birth at home. It is familiar. Safe. Low stress.”

“Exactly,” Sky agreed. She rubbed her hands on her pants to wipe off the dampness. “But, there’s something else I’d really like to ask from both of you. Cal and I would love you to be present for the birth.”

Alex sat up, a smile wreathing his lips.

Lauren did too, her eyes suddenly misty.

Sky directed her gaze to Lauren. “You’re my best friend. I WANT you with me, Lauren. Please? It would mean so much to me because you’re such a great coach.” She smiled nervously. “No one cuts through BS faster than you. You can help me through those contractions.”

Lauren smiled softly. “I’d love to be there for you, Sky. But you know in our business, I might be called away on an op. I might not be able to attend.”

Nodding, Sky said, “I understand that. But if you’re here, would you be with me? With us?” and she looked over at Cal. “We’d love to have you because you’re extended family to us.” And then, Sky flushed. Her voice grew strained. “I never had a big sister, and you’re like that to me, Lauren. You help guide me with all your experiences and wisdom.”