Page 68 of Collateral Damage

Cal leaned down, seeing the Russian’s head was blown half off, the spray of blood glittering against the wall and window as lightning lit up the area once again. It temporarily blinded him. Cursing, he pushed the NVG’s up, blinking several times, trying to regain his sight so he could be assured the Russian was dead.

Turning, he moved over to Sky, who was gasping, her head hanging down, her hand against her throat.

“Sky,” he rasped, kneeling, his hand on her shoulder to steady her. “Are you alright?”

The thunder caromed through the villa again, and Sky felt his hand, so steady and firm, on her shoulder. “Y-yes… Cal… you came,” and she sobbed, sitting up, twisting a look up at him. All she could see were his slitted, black looking eyes. Tears jammed into her eyes. “I-I’m pregnant, Cal, I—”

“I know you are, sweetheart,” he rasped. “We need to get you out of here. Now. Can you walk?”

Sky shakily nodded. Cal gently wrapped his arm about her waist, hauling her easily to her bare feet. Protectively, she placed her hand against her belly, hearing more gunfire ensue outside in the hall. She heard Cal speak quietly into the mic near his mouth as he pushed her behind him, facing the door, rifle lowered toward it.

“Do you have shoes?” Cal demanded.

“Y-yes, by the bed…”

Cal moved her toward it, always keeping his body between her and the opened door.

“Clear!” Driscoll said, his voice low key.

“Clear!” Alex called.

“Hurry,” Cal urged her, the hallway safe for passage.

Hands shaking, Sky sat down on the bed, pulling on her sandals. Cal was here! She was being freed! Alexandrov was dead. She stood, but felt her knees become mushy. Automatically, she reached out for Cal’s thick bicep, to keep herself steady.

“Follow me,” he rasped, pulling down his NVG’s. “Hold on to my belt, Sky. ALWAYS stay behind me. All right?”

“Okay,” she whispered, her voice hoarse. Sliding her fingers around the narrow belt circling his waist, Sky’s heart rate rocketed. Cal slipped to the door, snapping right and then left with his rifle. She waited, terror filling her. Would they get out of this alive? Cal moved swiftly, pulling her along, nearly lifting her off her feet. Sky gritted her teeth, trying to keep up with him as he progressed silently, like a shadow, down the hall. It was so dark; she couldn’t see anything. His belt was her lifeline.

It was suddenly quiet. Sky sensed movement behind her. She gasped as she twisted a look in that direction.

“It’s me, Alex,” the voice said near her ear, his hand coming to rest reassuringly on her shoulder. “I’m protecting your back.”

Relief slammed through Sky as she hurried to keep up with Cal. Alex was here! Who else was here? Where was Lauren? Her mind spun and gyrated. They moved as a shadowy unit down the hall, heading for the outer door down at the end of the corridor.

Suddenly, glass from the double doors exploded inward, showering them with glittering shards.

Sky screamed. She felt Cal grip her arm and he hauled her off her feet, pushing to the left, down another hallway toward the den.

Gunfire erupted.

“Cover me,” Cal told his team quietly. “Taking her out the rear entrance we infilled.”

Bullets whistled by Sky’s head. The guards had found them and were now attacking the villa. More returning gunfire from the M4 and the Kalashnikov AK-47’s roared in return. Sky tripped over her own feet, trying to get to the wall as Cal turned and fired back. She went sprawling, slamming hard onto the stone floor. There was a ripping, stitching pain tearing up from her abdomen. Sky cried out, instantly tucking inward, her hands pressing hard against her belly, the pain nearly making her faint. Bullets were singing up through the hall. The sounds of the rifles hurt her aching ears. She couldn’t hear anything. She felt Cal’s arms go beneath her shoulders and knees, lifting her into his arms. In moments, he was running down the hall full tilt. Sky clung to him, biting back a cry as the pain increased in her abdomen.No! Oh, God, no! Don’t let me lose our baby! God, please don’t do this to us…

Cal used his boot and crashed open the door leading outside. He heard Sky crying softly, felt her tensing, felt her arm tight around his neck. She was hurt. Wounded? He didn’t know. He called Lauren, his voice calm and low, giving her the go to get to the villa ASAP. Carrying Sky quickly around the end of villa toward the parking lot, he heard Alex and Jack picking up the tempo of battle behind them. The clamor between rifles was echoing and ear splitting.

Cal saw a soldier run around the end of the villa, cutting off the path where they were heading.

Sonofabitch!Cal hissed and dove for the ground, keeping his arm around Sky’s waist as he drew up his rifle at the same time. He hit the grass, releasing her. She cried out. He focused on the man, lifting his rifle to kill him. He snapped off one shot, taking out the enemy.

How many more soldiers were coming to surround the villa? Cal didn’t know. What he did know was the operators were trying to make an end run and surround them. They were like an angry hornet’s nest. He pulled Sky next to the wall.

“Stay here!” Cal rasped.

Sobbing, bending over with pain, Sky squeezed her eyes shut. Cal left her side. She couldn’t see anything in the night. Everything was black. She was alone. And there was a firefight going on. Sky tried to stop sobbing, knowing the sound could draw attention. She heard gunfire erupt very close to her. It had to be Cal’s M4 rifle returning fire. He’d run toward the corner where the other operator had just come from.

She didn’t know how much time passed, the night was a mix of lightning and thunder above them intermingled with the roar of rifles below. Sky was looking back toward the den they had escaped though when lightning flashed. Sky gasped. There were two Russian soldiers charging toward her!Oh, God, Cal!