Page 63 of Collateral Damage

Sky gave her a sympathetic look. Is that what was in store for her? How was he going to impregnate her? Rape her? Just as Vlad had tried to do? Her mind whirled and Sky felt a violent rush of emotions. She would NEVER let a man rape her. Vlad had nearly done so. He’d been a wild animal, the look in his eyes insane as he’d held her down, ripped off her panties… Sky closed her eyes, feeling lost. Feeling abandoned.

“Listen,” Catarina said quietly as she leaned over to put eye shadow over her eyes, “Don Tobar enjoys watching me being raped by his soldiers.”

Sky thought of Vlad enjoying capturing a fly and slowly pulling off it wings. The voyeur in him, she supposed. “I’m so sorry for you, Catarina. I really am…”

“It doesn’t happen often,” she breathed softly. “I feel badly when I do not please him. I try my best. I live to make him smile. To have him pet me afterward and tell me I pleasured him.”

Sky’s stomach churned. Would he rape her? It sounded like it. Her whole world collapsed in on her. Alexandrov was extracting his revenge on her, she realized dully. He was going to take her baby’s life. He would rape her, get her pregnant, and then she would be forced to carry his baby inside her body. The thought was so repugnant that Sky would rather kill herself than allow that to happen. A horrible, snaking finality flowed through her. There was no help coming for her. Cal couldn’t find her. Soon, she would have her baby aborted against her will by Dr. Zapata. And then, sometime in the future, Alexandrov would rape her and impregnate her. Hopelessness filtered through her. It was not a life she could live.

Sky saw the pleasure in Alexandrov’s face as the guard escorted her to the pergola beneath the stars above. A white linen tablecloth laid across the table, place settings of white plates with gold rims sitting upon it. He was dressed in a dark blue silk shirt the same color as her caftan, black linen slacks, and sandals. She could tell he’d coordinated their clothing. It sickened her. The guard pulled out the chair and she sat down opposite him.

“You look beautiful, Sky,” Yerik said, opening his white linen napkin. A servant came and placed a colorful small appetizer in front of him and then her. “Does it not feel wonderful to breath in clean, fresh air? To wear clean clothes? To smell the fragrance of your washed hair?”

Sky sat and hung her head, unable to look at him. Her stomach churned, her hands knotted in her lap beneath the tablecloth.

Yerik could tell Sky was completely stressed out. Ordinarily, he’d punish her for not answering him right away, but she was beaten. His heart lifted with joy. The days in the deprivation suite had done more than he had hoped. “Come, come, my chef has prepared a delicacy of lobster with a divine sauce. You must eat to keep up your strength my dear.”

Sky forced her to look across the table at him. “I’m not hungry.”

Nodding, Yerik savored the lobster. “Of course. I understand. There is much going on in your life presently. Soon, Dr. Zapata will abort the brat you carry.” He saw her wince, tears come to her huge blue eyes. He smiled. “I never told you this, but you remind me so much of my beloved Darya, my wife. She too, as you know, had blond hair. I showed you her photo.” He finished the appetizer and the servant quickly remove the plate. Another servant came and poured white wine in his wineglass. “I am hoping that when you are impregnated with my semen, you will have a blond-haired son for me nine months later.” He smiled at her, lifting the glass to his lips. “A replacement for Vlad. A beautiful, blond-haired baby son. You will make me a very happy man, Sky. And I will see to it that you want for nothing. You will be treated as the queen you are.”

Sky glared at him. “You’re going to rape me time and time again? Until you get that son you want?”

Surprised, Yerik grinned and set down his glass. “Ah, I see. You are worried I will take you physically? That you become my nightly bed partner? Raping you against your will?” He held up his hands, laughing softly. “My dear Sky, I’m a civilized man. I have no need to upset you like that. No, Dr. Zapata will routinely come up here once every few weeks and see how your hormones are behaving. She will then know when you ovulate. At that time, I will donate my sperm and it will be placed into you without me ever laying a hand on you.” He saw her eyes widen. Saw sudden relief in her expression. So, Sky was worried about being raped. Well, that was a useful piece of information. If she misbehaved during pregnancy and carrying his child, he could threaten her with rape to bring her back into line. The threat would make her behave and continue to gently carry his son in her young, healthy body.

“Then,” Sky whispered unsteadily, “you won’t touch me?”

“No, my dear.” He sighed. “You are going to be the mother to all my children that I had dreamed of having with Darya. You will give them to me, instead. And you will be queen of all you see. You will have the best of medical care, designer clothing, gourmet food, and jewels that the world will envy. One day, you will realize how much you have, and I hope you will one day look upon me with some fondness. You are going to be the mother to many, many children to complete my dreams of having a large family. Russians like big families. Did you know that?”

Sky avoided the look in Alexandrov’s eyes. He was a madman. Insane. And if he thought for one second that she was going to willingly carry his son, he was mistaken. Again, she thought of escape. Not physically leaving this villa but ending her own life. Sky’s heart shrank with grief because she was going to not only lose Cal’s baby, but he would never see her again. Would Cal ever know what had happened to her? Sadly, Sky doubted it.

“You know,” Yerik said conversationally as the servants brought over their small salad as the next course, “you cannot escape this villa. I have sensors placed all around this area, Sky. The reason my soldiers caught you so quickly is because the sensors are monitored from the security control room here,” and he pointed toward the villa. “We have cameras placed around, as well. When you walk near a motion sensor, it goes off. My men then switch on a camera in that area, and voila! There you are.” Yerik stopped smiling and looked at her. “There is no escape from here, Sky. I think you know that now, don’t you?”

“Yes,” she whispered, “I know that now.” There was some relief he would not touch her. Would not rape her to get her pregnant. Her heart shrunk with sadness as she thought of her baby beneath her hand pressed against her belly.Cal… my God…He would never know. Never know… Sky loved him so much, she felt as if she would implode from those beautiful feelings. He had given her so much in four months. The four most wonderful, happy months in her unhappy life. And now, it was at an end. A terrible, nightmarish end…

“Come, come,” Yerik pleaded, “eat a bit of your salad, Sky. I cannot have you losing weight. You must maintain in order to be healthy and vibrant. That way, you will become pregnant more quickly.”


July 14

“Here’s the blueprintfor La Paloma,” Cal told his team. Jack Driscoll and Alex had flown into Costa Rica earlier that evening. They were in a back room at the U.S. embassy in San Jose. Transferring the blueprint from his laptop to a white screen hung on one wall, Cal directed a red laser pointer at the floorplan. “According to Dr. Zapata, she was taken to several areas of this villa. What we’re interested in is the security control room. It sits on the main floor of the villa. She caught a glimpse of the room because the door was open when she was taken to examine Sky. There were two security guards in it manning banks of monitors and camera feed.”

“This is the heart and brains of security for the entire place,” Lauren added. “La Paloma is entirely reliant on gas fed generators to produce electricity for the villa.”

Cal nodded to her. “We’re ASSUMING there’s motion sensors and infrared cameras installed around the villa. Dr. Zapata didn’t see anything, but she’s a civilian and wouldn’t know what to look for.”

“How far out are the sensors?” Alex asked. “Does anyone know?”

Jack Driscoll grimaced. “Alexandrov is a control freak and security is his way of staying alive and ahead of those who want to kill him. I’d say a half mile radius around that villa, minimum. Probably more. We should go in expecting that kind of coverage.”

Cal agreed. “Dr. Zapata was led past the security area and down this hall.” He put his laser on a room that he’d labeled Examination Room. “After Sky was examined by her, Dr. Zapata saw her leave down this hall. She went into a room and I’m assuming it’s her bedroom or apartment, here.”

Alex studied it. “Sky is two doors down from the examination room?”

“Yes,” Cal said, “and about fifty feet away from the security room.”

Jack grinned a little. “Doesn’t get any better than that. She’ll be easy to extract after we take out the security room personnel.”