Page 80 of We Found Love

He wanted to be in her corner, Ford realized. Wanted her to turn to him if she needed to.

“I understand I did wrong now, but when I make a decision, I usually stick to it, for better or worse. I’m fairly immovable when I’m set on something.”

She grabbed his chin and tugged it down until their eyes met. “Answer me one question.”


“Do you feel better for telling them?”

He studied her face, taking in each feature. Funny how she had two eyes, a nose, and a mouth like every other woman he knew, but on her they added up to something special. Something that made him feel off-balance.


“Well then.”

“Well then what?” He sounded like a surly child.

“I’m glad you came clean with the people you love. Big, life-changing moments that can shift the course of our lives need to be shared with people in your corner.”

“You sound like a teacher.”

“Funny that.”

“Maggie hid something big from us once.”

Her hand was rubbing his chest now, soothing away his hurt. “And that upset you?”

“Yes, and I get I had no right to be as I was doing the same.”

“But she was your little sister and therefore under your protection?”

“Don’t use your schoolteacher voice on me.”

She laughed, and he felt his lips twitch.

“And now we need food, and then I’ll text Joe one last time.”

“How many times have you texted him so far?”

“I’m not telling you that. One day you’ll know what it’s like to have a child and will understand where I’m coming from.”

And just like that, it hit him. What would it feel like to have a child with Autumn Harris? That thought should have been way more terrifying than it was.

They ate a casserole, he had seconds and thirds, and they drank an entire bottle of wine.

“I’m staying,” Ford said when the last dish was dried.

She studied him through her serious moss-green eyes and then nodded. He checked the doors were locked and followed her to the bedroom. As he passed another room, he looked in.

“That’s Ritchie’s,” Autumn said, turning on the light.

The bed held an array of soft toys, but it was the shelf that his eyes went to. She’d put his pickup truck there beside a row of books. Why seeing that made his throat tight, he had no idea.

“He’s going to love that. Thank you.”

“Welcome,” he managed to get out.

She turned on a small side table light when they reached the bedroom, and the room was cast in a soft glow. Autumn stood beside the bed, looking uncertain again.