Page 6 of We Found Love

He did the man hug with him, and then Nash joined in.

“I don’t think I like this side of you,” Ford said to Nash. “I mean, once you were like a rattlesnake who hissed when anyone got close, and now you’re all in touch with your feelings and shit. You need to cut it out, bro.”

“Can’t help it. My girl just makes me a better man.” Nash now wore a shit-eating grin.

Ford made a gagging sound.

Nash grinned. “Let’s go. We need to get a table.”

“For what?” Ford asked.

“It’s quiz night.”

“I don’t remember agreeing or, for that matter, being asked to attend quiz night.”

“I’m inviting you now,” Nash said. “I didn’t realize you needed an actual invitation. I can mock something up next time and email you.”

“You email now?”

“Luna said being a dinosaur is only so cute and that I need to up my technology game.”

“Well, she’s not wrong, and I’m not going.” Ford knew he sounded like a child, so he added, “I’m tired.”

“You’re always tired. I’ve never known anyone your age to take as many naps as you do. It’s amazing you haven’t fallen off your horse.”

All true, Ford conceded. He’d learned to lean against a wall and close his eyes in the tack room, sleep for ten minutes, and feel refreshed. His horse’s stall was the best. No one had ever found him there, because Lance could be a bear when he didn’t want anyone bothering him. Snatching sleep was a skill Ford had honed over the years to keep him sharp.

“I’m still growing,” he muttered, getting back on his horse.

With a final look at the land he would build his house on, he thought maybe it was the right time. He needed to just move on with his life and make a plan for the future, a plan that would have him living out here in this beautiful location. He’d let one event control him, and it was time to get on with his life.

They rode back to the stables. After he’d dismounted and rubbed down his horse, he walked to the house with his father and brother.

“I’m grateful, Dad, really. It will be an amazing place to live.”

“That’s good to hear, son, because your mother and I want to start dancing naked around the house, and you being there is putting a stop to that.”

“Oh God,” Nash groaned. “That’s a visual I’ll never lose.”

“Jesus, Dad,” Ford hissed. “Kids present.”

His father whistled and walked into the house ahead of him.

“Do you think he meant that?” Ford asked his brother.

“The naked-dancing thing? Sure as hell hope not. It’s just plain wrong for parents to do shit like that.”

“No, I meant about not doing stuff because I’m there. I’ve never thought of it before, and now I’m feeling guilty.”

“Nah, they love having you there, but it’s time to fly the nest, little bro.”

“That’s big bro to you.” He punched his brother in the arm.

“Go get cleaned up and you can follow me,” Nash said.

“I don’t want to go to a quiz night.”

“Sure you do. There’s this new schoolteacher Luna said is uptight like you. Maybe she’s your perfect match.”