Page 55 of We Found Love

“What are we celebrating, or is it just a family gathering?” Maggs asked, her eyes going between Nash and Ford. “Something is off with you two. What’s going on?”

Nash took a pull on his beer. Ford did the same, and the silence stretched.

“Nash?” Maggs went for him because he could be broken easier than Ford.

The middle Winter raised his hands and said nothing.

“Ford?” Maggs looked at him next.

“It’s nothing. Really, I—”

“It is not nothing!” Nash thundered. “Tell the truth, Ford.”

“What’s going on?” Maggie got to her feet, as did he and Nash, and now the three Winter children were squaring off with each other around the coffee table.

He felt something press to his leg and found Kismet there, shivering. Clearly she’d felt the tension.

“It’s okay.” He petted her head.

Ford saw the worry on their faces. For so long he’d kept it all to himself. Where the hell did he even start?

“Someone speak!” Maggie demanded. Their sister was not known for her patience.

“Nash read something that was addressed to me today.” He glared at his brother. “It got him riled up. He said I had to come here tonight and tell you about it.”

And you’re here because maybe it is time to talk about what happened.Ford wished that voice inside his head would shut the hell up.

“Spill,” Nash growled.

“It happened years ago. I don’t think it needs—”

“You’re not leaving here without explaining that letter,” his brother said.

He looked at his siblings. Saw the worry and fear.It’s time, Ford.

“You all remember when I went away to college.” His siblings nodded, and he continued. “It was a tough time for the family, first because Mom had cancer, and then Dad lost Uncle Jay. They wanted me to go even though I thought I should stay.”

“I remember the debates,” Nash said.

“Yeah, I went, and it was good. I made friends with this guy Johnnie, who was the starting quarterback for the college team, pretty much right off because I helped him with some school stuff. He was nice, and we had fun. Me and his friends became tight.”

“I can’t imagine you hanging out with jocks,” Maggie said. “Being one of the cool kids.”

“I’m cool.”

“In your way.” His sister’s lips twitched.

“Not the point,” Nash said. “He’s building into the story. Don’t derail him.”

“Chill out,” he told his brother.

“I read that letter, Ford. Nothing in it has me wanting to chill out. It has me wanting to know the meaning behind it.”

“What letter?” Maggie demanded.

They were still standing, looking at each other. Luna and Fin sat quietly, listening.

“I’m sitting. You two can do what you want,” he muttered, dropping into a seat.