Page 52 of We Found Love

“I help out with the kids, so let’s go.”

Autumn stepped to the right and kept going to put distance between her and the huge horse the irresistible guy was now leading.

“You’ll hurt his feelings if you keep that up.”

“I’m sure he’ll get over it.”

“I need to get something from in there. Be back in a minute,” Ford said and then disappeared through a door.

Autumn thought about just walking out the doors. She’d find the kids because of their noise and wouldn’t be alone with Lance. He moved closer to her. She retreated until her back hit the wall. He put his head on her shoulder and blew hot air into her neck.

“Um, Ford?” She didn’t want to yell in case she frightened the animal.

The horse eased back a bit and lowered his head before her.

“What do you want, Lance?”

He kept his head lowered.

“I don’t speak horse.” Raising a hand, she stroked the long forehead. The horse made a noise, so she kept doing it. The fur was soft and warm to the touch. She used her nails gently like she did on Ritchie’s head sometimes when he couldn’t get to sleep. The horse blew out a breath.

“You like that, do you?”

Moving closer, she stroked down the long, smooth neck.

“He likes you.”

“He put his head on my shoulder and blew into my neck. Your horse is a bit forward, Ford.”

He laughed. “He likes the ladies.”

“He’s really sweet for all he could stomp on me and cause major damage.”

“He’s far too polite to do that.”

He came around the side of his horse to where she stood petting the animal, stopping close enough that the toes of his boots touched hers.

“You want that ride now?”

“Absolutely not.”

“I won’t let anything happen to you, Autumn. You can trust me.”

“I’m sure I can, but the answer is still no. Do you want to stand up in front of a class of kids and teach them for a day?”

He shuddered.

“Exactly, and that’s my reaction to getting on a horse.”

“So don’t push it, Ford?” He leaned in closer.

“Don’t push it, Ford.”

“You’re a very hard woman not to kiss, Autumn Harris.”


“You. Every time I see you, I want to kiss you, and that’s not good because I don’t get those kinds of urges with women.”