Page 37 of We Found Love

“She doesn’t need to worry about me,” he protested. “And Jack is totally woo-woo.”

“All true,” Jack said.

“I mean, he knits,” Ford said.

“As do I, Ford,” Mr. Goldhirsh said. “It’s good for finger dexterity, and it’s relaxing.”

“Of course you do.” Ford sighed.

“You look tired, dear, and there are those shadows under your eyes also,” Miss Marla said.

“I work hard.”

“As do we all, but we don’t look like you. Now, I’m sorry we didn’t notice before Luna brought it to our attention, but now that we have, we’ll watch over you.”

Ford’s instant reaction was horror, which he quickly masked, but Autumn had seen his terror at the thought of the towns elders watching over him.

“I don’t need you watching over me, Miss Marla. Really. I don’t even live in town.”

“But you’re one of ours now, dear, by association. I’ll have a tea blend prepared for you to help with that sleep.”

“Don’t they already have enough people who actually live in this town to worry about?” Ford said as the elderly classgoers left.

“It’s called friendship and love, bud, and it’s all around you,” Jack said. “Now let’s go.”

“You can never have enough love,” Rory said, pushing Ford through the door ahead of her.

“Amen,” Autumn agreed as she followed. She didn’t have many people in her corner, but the ones she did have she loved, as they loved her.

“You people are weird is what you are,” Ford said. “And just so we’re clear, I know having people to love is important.” His eyes shot to her and then away.

What would a man like Ford Winter love like? All-consuming was Autumn’s guess. He’d be protective and demand loyalty.

“So next week then. You’ll be here?” Jack asked.

“I’ll try.”

“Good enough,” Rory said.

“Do you need a lift or do you have a car, Autumn?” Ford asked.

“I have my car, thanks.”

He nodded and headed to his pickup.

“I thought Nash was the dark, broody one. Now I’m not so sure,” Jack said, watching Ford back out of the parking space. “He usually seems so easygoing, but now he’s risen to the top of the Ryker Falls oldies focus list. They’re usually onto something when they target someone.”

“You are going to have to explain that to me,” Autumn said, watching Ford’s taillights disappear.

“We’ve all been where Ford is. It’s like a lottery who they choose next, but usually Mr. Goldhirsh starts, the Robbins sisters follow, and the others step in if a little reinforcement is needed. It’s subtle, and often you don’t know it’s happening until it’s too late. But they usually target someone who’s struggling with something.”

“And you think that’s Ford?” Autumn had been curious about the man since that night he’d looked after her.

“I never noticed it before, because to be honest we don’t see that much of him, but he does look tired, and there’s something else there, I reckon. Luna’s right.”

“What did she say?”

“Not too much, just that she thought Ford looked tired all the time. It was a shock to Nash because he’d never noticed, but then that’s guys for you,” Rory said.