Page 32 of We Found Love

What is with these two really looking at me today?It was downright unsettling.

“No, you can’t,” Ford said. “This is bullshit, so stop now.” He used his older-sibling voice, which usually worked.

“Are you sick?” Maggs looked worried.

“No, I’m healthy.”

“I asked him that earlier when I found him sleeping in Lance’s stall,” Nash said, which had Ford wanting to hit him. “I don’t think he’s lying.”

Fin was just standing behind his girl, watching the interplay between the siblings. But his eyes were on Ford.

“Well, that’s something at least,” she said. “Is there anything you want to talk to us about, Ford?”

“What is this? Pick on the eldest unattached Winter because he’s having too much fun living the single life and we’re bored?”

“He’s deflecting like he always does,” Nash said. “I got at him before about what Luna said. I think something’s going on inside him and he won’t share it. She mentioned demons.”

That rocked him, but he kept the reaction to himself. He did have demons, but he wasn’t sharing them with anyone.

“I know what demons are like,” Maggie said softly. “Sharing them helps, Ford.”

“I don’t have demons,” he said calmly.

“We don’t really get the time to talk like this much now, so if there is anything you want to talk about, now’s good.”

“I have nothing to share, Maggie. Really. I’m all good.”

“He’s always had this ‘I’m the eldest and therefore the strongest’ thing going on. Weakness is not allowed in the Ford Winter handbook,” Nash said. “He’s holding something back. I’m sure of it.”

“No, you’re not.” Ford wanted to back away, but stood his ground.

“Does he look pinched around the eyes?” Maggie said, inspecting him.

“Tight,” Nash said.

“His eyes look a bit shadowed.”

“How the actual fuck can eyes look shadowed? You two are nuts. Now leave me alone or I’ll take you both on and win, and you know I can,” Ford said, baring his teeth and lunging at them.

Maggs squealed predictably. Nash dropped his shoulder into Ford’s gut, winding him.

He bent, wheezing.

“Maybe we’ve been leaving you alone and that’s the problem. You’ve kept stuff hidden from us,” Nash said.

“But that’s changing,” Maggie said to the top of his head.

Thankfully Ford’s phone rang. He straightened and dug it out of his pocket, grateful for the reprieve.

“Hello, Ford, it’s Mr. Goldhirsh.”

“Hi, Mr. Goldhirsh.” Ford walked away to put some distance between him and his family. “What can I do for you?” He wondered who had given the man his number.

“Tonight is my meditation class. I have enrolled you. So see you at seven. Wear comfortable clothes.”

“I’m not sure I can make it.”

“Well now, that would be a disappointment, and I hope you can come. I think it will be beneficial to you.”