Page 26 of We Found Love

“I think he’s having a few issues settling in, but he hasn’t told me about it. Ford found him upset just before.”

“Ford is good with kids because he can relate to them on their level,” Nash said.

“Very funny.”

“What trouble is he having? Is someone bullying him?” Piper demanded.

“Spider -Man,” Ford said, but he was looking at his brother.

“The last one?” Nash asked. “Mean Girls?”

Ford nodded.

“A kid named Toby is bullying him,” Nash said.

“What the hell was that?” Piper demanded. She pointed to the brothers. “Some form of communication that I didn’t get, and I hate that, so explain immediately.”

“It’s a Winter-family thing.” Ford shrugged.

“When someone tells you something and asks you not to tell anyone but you need or want to, this is how we got that information across growing up. Still do,” Nash said.

“Like a word game and the answer is the point you’re trying to make?”

The brothers nodded.

“That’s genius. Why didn’t we ever think of that?” Piper said.

“Because you need to be really smart,” Nash said.

Piper punched him in the arm. “Back to Ritchie. So a Toby is bullying him at school?”

“You didn’t hear that from me,” Ford said.

“Or me,” Autumn added.

“Or me,” Nash said.

“My money is on Toby Wood,” Piper said. “He was picking on Benji too.”

“Can’t imagine team Trainer/Howard handled that very well,” Nash said.

“Gracie dealt with it. She can deal with this too.”

“Oh no, Piper—” Autumn said.

But Piper had already left, striding across the fields to where Nixon, the youngest Trainer brother, was playing ball with the kids.

Autumn groaned. “I don’t want trouble, especially since I’m a teacher. And I really don’t want Grace fighting.”

“I doubt she’d need to raise a hand. Just a look and a few words will be enough,” Nash said. “What’s she like in class? Just out of curiosity. I love that kid, but she’s got the fiercest determination I’ve ever encountered.”

“Kind of Anna fromFrozenmeets Buzz fromLightyear” Autumn said.

“Nice,” Nash said.

“Who?” Ford said.

The brothers walked away from her, discussingFrozenwith Nash explaining who Anna was. She found a smile, and who wouldn’t? Two hot guys were having a serious discussion about an animated Disney movie.