Page 25 of We Found Love

“Tom Holland was better, and why are you talking aboutSpider-Man?”

“The hell you say he was,” he said in a slow drawl. “Now try to keep up here, Autumn.”

Her eyes narrowed as they looked at him. Was he not as sane as she’d originally thought he was?

“Tobys can be mean though, right? I had one in college who—”

“That little rodent,” she whispered, realizing what he was getting at.

“My thoughts exactly.”

“I now know Ritchie is being bullied by Toby Wood. So is there anything else you don’t want to tell me?”

“That covers it.”

“Is that how you and your siblings shared secrets you weren’t meant to tell with each other?”

He nodded. “Still do sometimes.” His smile was small and amped up his hotness.

“Nice. So not outright telling the secret but in a roundabout way?”

“It works.” He shrugged those broad shoulders.

“Do not under any circumstances teach my son that.”

His smile grew, a full-wattage, teeth-flashing, reaching-all-corners-of-his-face smile, and wow. She actually blinked.

“You planning on doing any work today or just talking to the pretty ladies?”

“I never said I was actually doing the work,” Ford said to his brother as he approached.

“You’ll have kids in this school one day, and they’ll need a place to play, so get to it. Morning, Autumn.”

“Morning, Nash.” She already knew more people here than she had in the years she’d lived in Lincoln, and pretty much all of them she liked.

“You all good there, sweetheart? You look a bit peaky.”

“Do you know I don’t think anyone has ever told me I look peaky.”

“Always a first time for everything.” Nash smiled, and it was just as nice as Ford’s but didn’t cause the same flutter in her belly. “Ritchie’s playing ball with the other kids.”

“Thanks, I’m sure he’ll love that.”

Ford nodded as if she’d said something he approved of.

“Is this where the people stand who don’t want to work? Because if it is, I’m in.”

“Hi, Piper,” Nash said to a beautiful brunette with endless legs and flawless beauty. She was also sassy, strong, and all the things Autumn wanted to be but as yet hadn’t mastered. Instead, Autumn was quiet and withdrawn most of the time. That wasn’t always easy to achieve here in Ryker Falls. People just turned up on her doorstep and made her interact.

“Morning. Well now, Ford, what lured you away from your ranch?” Piper flashed the rancher a wide smile.

“I came into town to do something, and my brother lied to get me here.”

Nash looked unrepentant.

“Ritchie doing okay? Gracie said he’d been crying,” Piper asked her.

She looked at Ford, who simply folded his arms as if to say “you take it from here, I’m out.”