Page 20 of We Found Love

He’d grown up to respect his elders, so that meant he couldn’t clamp his hand over the man’s mouth no matter how much he wanted to.

“Sometimes a problem shared is a problem halved.”

They were close now. In seconds they would reach the others, and this would be over.

“I’ve heard that actually.”

“Well, there you go then,” Mr. Goldhirsh said, looking proud of Ford, as if he’d won first prize in the spelling bee. “Do you share your problems, Ford?”

“Uh, sure. I mean, I work with my brother and father.”

“I’m not talking work problems but personal ones. I was telling Autumn just yesterday that keeping things inside us is not healthy. They fester and usually grow.”

Like he wasn’t uncomfortable enough, her name had to drop into the conversation.

“Right, nasty business that festering” was all he could come up with.

“So I’ll see you tomorrow night then.”


“Here at the school. We have a night class on meditation. It will be good for you. I’ll sign you up. Starts at seven every Wednesday.”

“Oh no…” His words fell away as Mr. Goldhirsh left at a jog. “What just happened?”

Ford walked to where Nash had parked his pickup.

“What’s that look for?” his brother asked.

“What look?”

Nash gave him a look that made him laugh.

Still laughing, Ford said, “No way in hell would I ever look like that. You look like you ate something and it’s about to make a reappearance out both ends.”

“So what happened?”

“Mr. Goldhirsh.”

“He’s something else all right. What’s he making you do?”

“Meditation apparently.”

Nash started laughing and didn’t seem able to stop.

“I’m not doing it.”

“Doing what?” Fin wandered up. “Why is he laughing like a hyena?”

“M-meditating with Mr. G-Goldhirsh.” Nash managed to choke the words out.

“I’ve never meditated.”

Fin snorted. “If you don’t, he’ll drive to your place and get you. Trust me, don’t fight it.”

“I’m an adult. I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to.”

“Sure sounded like an adult right then,” Fin said, grabbing some wood off the back of the pickup. “Think of meditating as a new experience. Apparently they’re good for us, or so Maggs tells me.”