Page 130 of We Found Love

“I need to go,” Autumn said.

“We’re good for it,” Jack said.

“Can I tell you another day? I need to work through some things.”

Jack nodded. “Okay, we won’t push anymore.”

“Thank you.” It was an impulse, but she hugged them both. They hugged her back. Then Autumn said goodbye to Ritchie and headed back to her car. Nash caught up with her.

“He’s a good man, Autumn.”

“I know that, Nash.”

“Just hear him out when you talk. Ford has locked his emotions away for years, but it’s only recently that we realized why. He cares about you.”

“I care about him too, and he does okay at expressing himself.”

“Well, that’s good then. Did he tell you about what happened in college?”

She nodded.

“I’m glad, and he trusts you if he told you. You’re good for each other, and he loves Ritchie. I’ve never seen him like he is with your son before.”

“Ritchie loves him.”

“Well, there you go then. Make that boneheaded idiot listen.”

“He is not boneheaded and has already said he’s coming to see me later.” The words were out before she could swallow them down.Damn.

“That’s great news. Make sure he listens when you talk. Ford’s used to being the eldest and, in his eyes, the head dog in town. You make sure he sees your side of things.”

Before she could reply, he’d kissed her cheek and walked back into the stables.

Autumn shook her head, got into her car, and drove away before anyone else wanted to speak to her. She went to Tea Total, ordered a coffee and scone to go, and then drove home. Once inside, she took her things into the kitchen and dropped them on the table. A knock on the front door had her retracing her steps and opening it.

A man stood there, smiling at her. He was tall and bald with wide shoulders. His suit was black and beneath, he wore a white shirt open at the neck. He looked like someone’s bodyguard. Behind him was a black SUV with tinted windows.

“Can I help you?”

“Miss Harris?”


He grabbed her before she could shriek. Holding a hand over her mouth, he carried her to the vehicle.

She sank her teeth into his palm.


“Shut her up.” a voice from the driver’s seat said when she screamed.

“Make another noise and I’m putting a bullet in your head.”

She felt the muzzle of a gun press to her temple. Autumn clamped her lips shut.

“Sit.” A hand pushed her down. “Don’t move.” Her hands were tied behind her back.

The man pulled out a phone and took a picture of her.