Page 129 of We Found Love

Jack studied her. “Something went down in Lyntacky. We’re just not sure what, but we know it was something.”

She exhaled. “You people are nosy.”

“Absolutely. It’s how this small-town stuff works. If I’m being honest, the Trainers are the worst gossips around.”

That forced a laugh from her.

“You don’t have big brothers, so we’re putting our hands up. We’ve always wanted sisters, and now we have plenty of them.”

Autumn pressed a hand to her mouth to stop the sob that wanted to escape. She was emotionally wrung out and seemed close to tears continually.

“Why are you making Autumn cry?”

“What are you doing here?” Jack looked over her shoulder.

Autumn turned to find Nash Winter with a large box. The bruise under his eye was darker now, and the bridge of his nose swollen.

“Dropping off the helmets. They got left at our place last week instead of being loaded in the van.”

“Nice work. We’ll definitely need those.”

Nash dropped the box to the floor and stood beside Jack, looking at her.

“Why is he making you cry?”

“He isn’t. He was being nice,” she said quickly.

“And that made you cry?”

He looked so much like his brother she felt a surge of longing for Ford. He was coming to see her tonight, and she wanted that. Wanted to see him.

“He said if I needed a big brother, he and his brothers were putting their hands up. It was a really nice thing to say.”

“It was.” Nash looked at Jack. “And ditto.”

“What?” She looked at him.

“What he said. Me and Luna are here for you too. I mean, she’d be more like a sister though.”

“You n-need to stop this. I’m a bit of a mess at the moment.”

“Just letting you know that you’re not alone in Ryker Falls, Autumn,” Jack said. “And that if you need to tell your big brothers what happened in Lyntacky, we’ll listen. Right, Nash?”

He nodded. “You need to use a crowbar to get shit out of Ford. Although lately he’s come clean way more. But he wouldn’t tell me what was going on in Lyntacky. Only that he’d been a giant-size shithead to you.”

“He said that?”

Nash nodded.

“It wasn’t his fault. Well, it was, but he didn’t mean it. I woke him and he reacted.” Her eyes shot to Jack. “We shouldn’t speak about this.”

“Everyone in this town knows everything about everyone in this town,” Jack said. “But if they didn’t, you can trust me to keep a secret, especially if it means I’ll know something my brothers and Pip don’t.”

“I need to go, and you have lessons,” Autumn said.

“Taylor, one of our stable hands, is over there sorting the kids out,” Jack said.

“What’s the deal with Sheriff Dans?” Nash asked. “When you came back with him in Lyntacky, there was tension.”