Page 126 of We Found Love

The brothers weren’t happy about that.

“You all head home, and I’ll be there soon. Make sure your mother is there by the time I arrive. I only want to say this once.”

They threw a final look at Autumn, then Ford. None of them spoke, just walked away.

“Hell of a thing to find out,” Ford said to Sheriff Dans when they’d gone.

“And then some. I want to hate her mother for doing this to us. I would have been part of her life.”

“It’s not too late.”

“I know. But it’s the stuff I missed that will sit heavy.”

They were watching Autumn push Ritchie on the swing.

“Yeah that will be hard, but from what I know of her life, I think she could do with a father, and those big cousins would be nice for her to have around too.”

Sheriff Dans nodded and then stuck out his hand. “I’ll be coming to Ryker Falls first opportunity, but I know you guys are leaving. I can’t ask her to stay since she told me she has school tomorrow.”

Ford nodded.

“Funny how I didn’t know she was mine until an hour ago, but now that I do, I want to make sure she’s okay.”

“I’ll watch over her.”

He felt Sheriff Dans’s eyes on the side of his face.

“I thought you would. I have no rights to her or to say don’t hurt her, but I feel it welling up inside me.”

Too late, Ford wanted to say, but he kept it inside.

“I want to go over there and meet my grandson too, but I know it’s best I come to Ryker Falls. Best that she tells him first and in private.”

“He’s a great kid.”

“And she’s pretty special too is my guess, right?”

“She is.”

Sheriff Dans sighed. Ford watched him walk to Autumn. He said something to her, and she replied. Both were standing there, stiff, their hands at their sides.

Wrong, Ford thought. It was wrong that a father and daughter were like that with each other, but circumstances had made it that way. Sheriff Dans leaned in and kissed her cheek. When he straightened, Autumn looked ready to cry. The man then shot Ritchie, who was still playing, a look before walking away.


The flight back to Lyntacky was undertaken in silence. Autumn sat beside Ritchie with Ford next to her. Exhausted, her son had fallen asleep with his head on her lap. Ford hadn’t tried to talk to her, and for that she was grateful.

She almost felt too numb to fear the flight. But when they took off, he’d held out his hand and she’d gripped it. Neither of them spoke, but she held it the entire trip home.

It felt good to be tethered to him. That made sense in the world of crazy that was suddenly her life.

She’d gone to Lyntacky to play volleyball and ask around about her father if she was brave enough. She was returning to Ryker Falls with the knowledge that she had a father and other family. Once the numbing shock had passed, she’d be happy about that. Happy that her father seemed to be a good guy. Maybe she might even forgive her mother sometime soon for not telling her about him.

The plane landed, and Ford released her when they were parked in the hangar. She bent to pick up Ritchie.

“I can carry him if you want.”

“I have him, but thanks.”