Page 110 of We Found Love

“I bet that went well.”

“Joe’s right hook had me seeing stars for a while.”

“I bet that man can fight.”

“He had to growing up. One last thing, Ford.”

“Is there any way I can stop you?”

“Nope. If you can think about Autumn without your insides aching and the need to be with her being so fierce it almost hurts, then maybe she’s not for you. But if you do feel any of that, don’t be an idiot, bud. Because you can bet another man won’t be.”

The instant flare of anger nearly choked him. The thought of anyone touching her made him want to hit something.

“She does come with a kid, so there’s that too,” Dylan added.

“Ritchie is amazing,” Ford said before he could stop himself.

“Ritchie is my friend.” Grace smiled up at him.

“That’s good, Grace. He’s new in town, so it’s good he has you,” her daddy said.

She beamed.

Ford scowled.

His head was all over the place. He’d screwed up. Nash had to forgive him because they were blood. Autumn didn’t.

“Emotion is not healthy for anyone,” he muttered.

“But it’s part of being a human,” Dylan added. “Unless you’re a monk who has taken a vow of silence to live a peaceful existence on some mountain somewhere, you can’t avoid it. And love, well, that is the most powerful emotion of all.”

Love?Surely not.


Autumn spent a while wandering with Ritchie around town after breakfast, looking in windows and at the decorations the shop owners had put up to celebrate the tournament.

She didn’t want to face Ford but knew it was inevitable. She’d play it cool, not react. Be polite but nothing more. Today was about volleyball and having fun. She’d do that if it killed her.

“Aunt Jess is arriving today, Mom, and she’s looking after me and the other kids while you play.”

“Yes, I spoke to her before we left. She told me she’s happy to look after you. But you have to be good for her, Ritchie.”

“I will.”

“I know you will, but you know what I’m like. I have to ask anyway.”

He smiled up at her. “Love you, Mom.”

“Love you, baby.”

She didn’t need a man to tell her that, her boy was enough.For now it had to be.

There had been temporary bleachers set up overnight, and those were filling up fast. To the left of the volleyball court was an area for kids with a bouncy castle and other inflatable things for them to play on plus tables and chairs.

The rotunda had a band setting up there. Clearly they were going all out like Ryker Falls did when they had events.

I just have to get through this and then fly home. I can do that.