Page 108 of We Found Love

He was once again the focus of attention.Great.

“And where is Autumn? She wasn’t in her room, and we were going to talk about the game,” Piper said.

“She’s gone into town. We’re just not sure why,” Nash said.

“It’s fruit, Ford,” Grace yelled at him, still wearing his headphones.

“Sorry, honey, it’s all I have.”

She sighed and took a bite out of an apple.

“Look. This is between me and Autumn, not all of you. So butt out, and I’m now going to have breakfast.”

“So there is something between you?” Jack said.


“In town?” Grace asked, clearly having heard the wordbreakfasteven with the headphones on.


“I’m coming with you too.”

“At least I’ll have intelligent conversation,” Ford muttered. “Give me a minute, Grace.” He grabbed the shirt he was supposed to play in today and ducked in the bathroom to change since the one he wore had his brother’s blood on it.

Guilt, thick and heavy, lanced through him. He was the oldest Winter. He was supposed to protect his siblings, not hurt them.

“The closest I can figure is they had an argument. I’m just not sure why,” Nash was saying as he stepped back out of the bathroom.

“Shut it down, Nash,” Ford growled. “Come on, Grace. Let’s go.”

The little girl hopped off the bed and came to his side.

“I’m taking your daughter.” He walked out the door with Grace’s small hand in his, for no other reason than no one would try to stop him if he had a child with him.

“Need some company?”

“Come with us, Daddy,” she said to Dylan as they passed him downstairs. “We’re going for breakfast.”

“I like that idea. Mind if I join you, Ford?”

“She is your kid, so I guess it’s okay.”

They started the walk, and five minutes up the road, he looked over his shoulder and saw the entire Ryker Falls party following.

“Don’t look back,” Dylan said. “If we get to the diner first, we’ll get our food faster.”

Ford snorted.

“Want to talk about the loud voices I heard last night and the bruise on your face?”

“No offense, Dylan, but I really don’t.” What was with these people needing to know everyone’s business?

“You decided to embrace being a Ryker Falls local after years of keeping your distance when your brother joined us, bud. Sorry, but there is no going back now.”

Dylan wandered at his daughter’s side. She held his hand and Ford’s, and it was kind of sweet and disturbing, because he wondered what it would be like to have a child just like this one. He thought about Ritchie and how he had an asshole father.

Did he want to be Ritchie’s father?