Page 8 of We Found Love

Ford gave him a nod. “How are you, Chief?”

Luke was the local chief of the Ryker Falls Fire Department now. He’d slid into the role with ease and never looked back.

“Good, Ford. You?”

Ford stood beside Luke and looked at the banner across the street. “Hide your heart,” Ford read. “What the actual fuck?”

Luke sighed.

Ford glanced over at him. “Are those Howard sisters still single or something?”

“Yup, and their mama is determined to change that,” Luke said. “I thought you and Charlotte could help us out there, but it seems she’s going out with some guy from her work, or so Dylan tells me. Mama Howard is not impressed.”

“So break this down for me.” Ford pointed at the banner. “How is this going to change Charlotte’s mind or get her little sister into a relationship?”

“You knit a heart and hide it somewhere. There will be an area allocated. Then you give your man, or the man you want, a clue, and he finds it. The first to find it gets a night for two with all the trimmings at the lodge.”

“I remember the past few events didn’t happen. Do you think this one will?”

“Likely not, but Jack and the knitting club are happy knitting hearts for it, so it’s kind of a community project.”

“This town.” Ford sighed.

“Makes a man glad he’s not single,” Luke added. “Think there will be a heart with your name on it, Ford?”

“Nope, not happening. I don’t need to be loved up like the rest of you.”

“Sure you do, you just need the right girl to change your mind.”

“When is Quinn home,” Ford asked, ready for a subject change.

“Soon and for good. Or closer anyway.”

“Nice. I heard she was going for the Air National Guard.”

Luke smiled that smile he’d seen Nash use a time or two when thinking about Luna. He’d never thought he wanted to settled down because of a woman, but lately maybe he’d been thinking about it more and more because his siblings were in relationships and happy.

Looking at the banner strung across the road again, Ford said, “Makes a man glad he’s not a local.”

Luke stuffed his hands into the worn pockets of his jeans and studied Ford. “Here’s the thing, bud. You’re a local by association now, and add to that you’re single and average to look at. That makes you a commodity Mary Howard wants.”

“The hell you say.”

“Just telling it like it is.” Luke raised his hands.

“Yeah, well, I’ll just stay out of town until the crazy dies down.”

“Like that’s ever going to happen. So how are things with you really, Ford?” Luke said as they headed toward his brother’s bar.

“Same shit, different day.”

“I was talking to Luna yesterday and asked after you. She said you looked tired.”

“Did she? Well, that’s nice of her to worry, but I assure you I’m getting a regular eight hours, as is evidenced by my handsome face.” Ford would be having words with his soon-to-be sister-in-law when he saw her.

“Handsome, my ass.”

“Luke,” someone called.