Page 39 of We Found Love

“There’s the door. You may want to head through it.” Ford pointed. “Now.”

“You can’t make me leave.” That came from the other man, not Handsy. He rose to his feet, and his eyes were level with Ford’s.

“How about we take it outside then?” Ford said.

“No,” Autumn said. “No one is taking anything outside. You two need to leave.”

The man sat down in his seat and tried to look relaxed. His friend looked nervous.

“I’ll stay,” he said.

“You do that.” Ford leaned into his space. “But if you stay, you better be on your best behavior because it won’t be just me watching you.”

He let Autumn drag him away, but he was itching to wipe that smug expression off the man’s face.

“Thanks, but I had that.”

“I know. I was just providing some muscle.”

She snorted. “My ex would have just let that happen and laughed.”

“I’m sorry he was a dickhead.”

“Not your fault—I should have wised up sooner.”

She excused herself and headed for the bathroom. He shot the men another look before heading back to the counter.

“Autumn okay?” Piper asked.

“Sure, she had it covered. I was just checking.”

“What is it with men like that?”

“Hell if I know,” Ford said.

“My guess is they’re inadequate down there.” She pointed to her groin area. “And this makes them feel better about it.”

Ford snorted.

“I’ll get your coffee.” She patted his hand. “You’re a good guy, Ford Winter.”

He grunted something, feeling about as comfortable with compliments as most of the men he knew. He watched the two men at the table leave after shooting him an angry look. Ford raised his middle finger.

Autumn came back out and smiled to Mr. Goldhirsh, who had just arrived and was sitting at a table with the nosy Robbins sisters. In fact, that entire table of people was now on Ford’s “avoid at all costs” list. He didn’t know why they were coming at him now with their concerns, but it was like being battered by a loofah sponge. No pain but not comfortable either. It was enough to put a man off his chocolate cake… or not, he decided as Piper lowered a large wedge with whipped cream in front of him. Next came his coffee.

“Thanks, Piper.”

“All good. You doing okay there, Ford?”

“Why would I not be okay?” He sounded defensive, but who could blame him?

She braced her hands on the counter and leaned in to get a good look at him.

“You look a bit peaky.”

Autumn arrived and Ford carefully lowered his fork to the plate.

“I am not now and never have been ‘peaky,’” he said slowly. “You and the rest of this town need to find more to do with yourselves. I am not your next project.”