Page 90 of Kayleigh

Hudson wasn’t used to taking a back seat in matters relating to Remington, but he also believed in doing what was best for everyone concerned. Caren was definitely the better person to deal with this, particularly because he was emotionally involved in a way he normally wasn’t.

Though he wasn’t touching Kayleigh, he sat close enough that he could sense the tension radiating off of her. Her spine was poker straight, and her shoulders were squared. She also sat perfectly still, as if afraid that any movement would shatter her control.

“We aren’t firing Wilder,” Caren said calmly.

“Why not?” Liz demanded, her anger contorting her features. “Are you telling me that Remington supports its male employees harassing its female employees?”

“Absolutely not,” Caren replied. “If we’d seen proof of that, we would have fired him immediately.”

“You probably didn’t look very hard because of who he’s related to.”

Hudson glanced at Kayleigh, taking in the tense set of her jaw. However, she maintained her silence, and he admired her for that.

“We have done our due diligence,” Caren informed her. “Including speaking to Jenn again today.”

“You spoke to her?” Liz asked, her brow furrowing. “Without me?”

“Once the complaint was brought to our attention, it was no longer necessary to have you present at the meetings. This became an HR issue, which is why Stephanie and I were the ones to speak with her.”

Liz didn’t look quite so confident, her gaze darting from Caren to Kayleigh.

“So what is this meeting about?” Liz asked.

“We wanted to let you know what has transpired, since you have been involved from the beginning.”

“Involved? All I did was help Jenn share her experiences with the right person.”

“Oh, we’ve been told you were more involved than that,” Caren remarked.

“Jenn can’t be trusted with anything she says,” Liz said hurriedly.

Caren’s brows rose. “Well, you need to make up your mind. Is Jenn to be believed, or is she not?”

Everyone in the room seemed to hold their breath as they waited for Liz to answer. Caren didn’t press for an answer, just sat quietly. As the moments passed, the silence seemed to get heavier and heavier.

“She’s not to be believed,” Liz finally said. “You shouldn’t believe anything she says.”

“I appreciate why you might think that,” Caren said. “But we are of a different opinion. You are correct that she is not to be believed regarding Wilder. However, she was the one who told us not to believe her about that. She admitted that she lied regarding Wilder’s actions toward her.”

“I’m shocked. I had no reason to believe that she had lied.”

“Really?” Caren again stopped talking and just… waited.

Caren had such an amazing talent for reading and reacting to people and situations. Alexander seemed to have a knack for identifying people’s strongest talents and putting them in the perfect position in his company. Caren was definitely proof of that.

Liz shifted in her seat. “She gave no indication that she had lied.”

Caren didn’t reply to that, and no one else reacted either. Just… silence.

“I guess the situation has been resolved, then,” Liz pushed back her chair, reaching out for her mug. “I’ll just get back to work.”

“This meeting isn’t over.” Caren’s words held an edge now. “We have given you the opportunity to come clean. You haven’t, so now we’ll come clean for you.”

Liz squared her shoulders and lifted her chin. “Fine. What lies did Jenn tell you about me?”

“Considering we couldn’t find any evidence to back up the claims she made, we were already planning to speak with her again when she asked to talk to us. Her conscience got the better of her, and she knew she had to do the right thing.”

“And she blamed me for the whole thing, I suppose,” Liz scoffed. “Convenient.”