Page 83 of Kayleigh

Hudson lifted his glass and took a drink, swallowing past the tightness that had developed in his throat at Kayleigh’s words. “I’m fine.”

He decided that the best way to not talk about himself was to get Kayleigh to talk about herself and the things that were important to her. “So, did Jay have a game this weekend?”

Kayleigh apparently had no problem with the conversation redirection because she answered the question readily enough. Hudson was glad.

For the rest of the meal, they didn’t talk about Wilder’s situation or anything else related to work, and Hudson was just fine with that. He’d had to focus on work a lot recently, so maybe Caleb was right and he needed a break.

Though Caleb had meant a vacation, Hudson was grateful for this break, even if it was just a meal and a conversation. It was time spent with someone who was quickly becoming one of his favorite people. He felt truly relaxed for the first time in days.

The next morning, Hudson slept in a little later than usual, then had a leisurely breakfast. Caren stopped by around one to update him on the Wilder situation. The security camera footage had been forwarded to someone Caren trusted to handle it appropriately.

Hudson was sure that Kayleigh would have preferred to have the security at the resort take care of it. However, Caren wanted someone completely removed from the situation to deal with it, and Hudson had agreed.

They didn’t want anyone to be able to say that the people handling the investigation were influenced at all by the fact it involved the brother of the manager of the resort. Kayleigh and Wilder were nothing to the people at headquarters, so it was best that Caren forward the information there instead of handling it at the resort.

Caren was working through the weekend, which Hudson appreciated. He was also glad that she could handle the situation so that he was able to focus on other things.

If he’d had to deal with Wilder’s situation on his own, on top of his other work, he wouldn’t have been able to devote his full attention to it. With Caren there, he could continue to carry out his other responsibilities, knowing that she would take care of Wilder.

Still, even though he had plenty to do, it didn’t prevent his thoughts from straying constantly to Kayleigh. He wished he could hang out with her again, but he knew from their conversation the previous night that she’d been planning to attend church and then spend time with her family.

He would have loved to be a fly on the wall to see how they reacted to the news of the accusations against Wilder. He’d seen how devastated Kayleigh had been by the news, so he imagined her siblings would react similarly.

Hudson knew that Kayleigh wanted to protect her brother. She could have used her position to fire the employee who made the accusations and sweep it all under the rug. He would have been tempted to do that had he been in her shoes. But she was placing her trust in him and Caren, and Hudson was sure that had been very hard for her.

When his phone rang around five, Hudson wasn’t surprised to see Alexander’s name on his screen. Like him, the older man rarely shut down, and he’d sent plenty of emails to Hudson that day.

“Do you have an update on the situation with Wilder?” Alexander asked when Hudson answered his call.

Hudson reported what he and Caren had discussed, and Alexander listened without comment until he was done.

“I’m glad that Caren has control of the investigation,” Alexander said. “Hopefully it will be resolved quickly, so it’s not hanging over people’s heads.”

“Especially Wilder, Kayleigh, and their family’s.”

“That family is strong. They’ll help Wilder weather this storm.”

Hudson was kind of surprised at Alexander’s comment. Not that he was wrong.

“They do seem to be a very tight-knit family.”

“I liked the dynamic I saw when I first met them,” Alexander said. “Made me rethink my interactions with my own kids.”

All except for him.

Well, that wasn’t entirely true. Not long after Xander was Born, Alexander had started trying to get Hudson to spend time with him and Candace socially. It had felt like too little, too late for Hudson. By that point, he was used to being on his own, and his resentment toward Alexander hadn’t lessened as they’d worked together.

If Alexander had truly wanted to be his father, he would have stepped up much sooner. If not before his mom’s death, certainly after.

“Keep me updated on the situation and tell Kayleigh to call me if she needs anything.”

Oh, no. Hudson wouldnotbe passing on that message. If Kayleigh needed something,hewould take care of getting it for her.

That thought momentarily took Hudson aback.

He’d never before reacted like that regarding a woman. Of course, his interest in a woman rarely intersected with his work or Alexander. Kayleigh, however, was already involved with both.

“You still there?” Alexander asked.