Page 73 of Kayleigh

“It didn’t take as long as I thought it would,” Hudson said as Caren sat down. “Would you like some coffee? Or maybe something to eat?”

“Food would be great.” Caren took the menu Hudson held out to her. After a quick perusal, she said, “I’d like the beef barley vegetable soup and the half roast beef sandwich.”

Hudson called to place their orders, then joined her at the table. “So how did it go?”

“First of all, Liz continues to say that we’re protecting Wilder by not allowing Jenn, the employee, to speak freely about her experiences.”

“It’s so odd, because Kayleigh considered Liz a friend, and yet Liz seems more than happy to hang Wilder out to dry. I’d like to say she’s trying to remain objective, but I really don’t think that’s the case.”

“You’re right about that,” Caren said. “After about five minutes of Liz constantly interrupting Jenn to remind her of things, I asked her to leave the meeting. That, of course, made her mad.”

Hudson grimaced. “That’s unfortunate.”

“I told Liz that if she was going to be part of the meeting, she wasn’t allowed to say anything.”

“Did she agree to that?”


Hudson could only imagine how being muzzled made Liz feel. “Stephanie was there too?”

“Yes, but she wasn’t interrupting the way Liz was.”

“Did we get the information we needed?” Hudson asked.

Caren lifted a hand and waggled it back and forth. “We got some information. Is it what we needed? I’m not sure.”

Hudson leaned back in his chair, crossing his legs and arms. “What do you mean?”

“The time and place information she gave was fairly vague,” Caren said.

“Do you think we’ll be able to use it to verify any of the incidents?”

“Possibly. We’ll cross-reference both their schedules, in addition to taking a look at security camera footage to see what we can find.”

“We need to let Wilder know what’s going on,” Hudson said. “The longer we wait, the more likely it is that he’ll hear about it from someone else.”

“Do you know his schedule?” Caren asked. “Could we have him come in right away?”

“Let me see if I can find that out.”

He sent a quick text to Kayleigh, asking her how he’d find Wilder’s schedule.

Kayleigh:Let me just check and see if I can grab a copy of it from the ski shop.

As they waited, Caren continued to give her opinion of the meeting and the people involved.

“Is it rare that someone doesn’t have a clearer recollection of events like these?”

Caren shrugged. “Depending on the level of trauma the person feels, sometimes they struggle to recollect all the details. However, given the number of instances Jenn is alleging, I’m a bit surprised that she didn’t begin to document them. However, that doesn’t mean she’s lying.”

“What’s your gut saying?” Hudson asked.

Caren frowned. “My gut is saying that Liz seems a lot more invested in this woman’s accusations than the woman herself.”

“Could be she’s just being a strong advocate for Jenn,” Hudson said. “Which is a good thing.”

“You’re right, and I’m really hoping that’s the case.”