Page 65 of Kayleigh

“Let me tell you about the complaint first,” Stephanie said.

“Okay.” Delaying the inevitable didn’t sit well with her, but Kayleigh figured Stephanie had her reasons.

“Yesterday, Liz came to me to say that one of her staff was having trouble with someone. The woman was reluctant to approach me with what was going on.”

“Why?” Kayleigh asked. “We have a pretty clear policy on harassment here at the resort. If what’s happening falls within that policy, they need to report it so we can address the situation.”

“You know it’s never that easy,” Stephanie said. “It’s hard for someone to admit what’s been happening to them. They don’t want to lose their job.”

Kayleigh could understand that, but if the claims were legitimate, they’d definitely take action on them.

“So tell me what’s been happening.”

Stephanie exhaled heavily before responding. “There have been several verbal interactions, commenting on body parts and how much he likes the look of them.”

Kayleigh didn’t know every man who worked at the resort personally, but she hated to think they had hired someone who was making a fellow employee uncomfortable.

Stephanie outlined more instances of what had gone on, each one making Kayleigh more and more disappointed and a little sick. “Is there anything that backs up what the woman has said?”

Stephanie frowned at Kayleigh. “Are you not taking this seriously?”

“Of course, I’m taking it seriously,” Kayleigh said. “But it seems like this is going to turn into a he said, she said sort of situation. If there’s actual proof of what’s happened, that would go a long way toward supporting her claim and would allow us to take immediate action against the man.”

“Like what kind of proof?”

“If we know where and when these interactions have taken place, we can see if a camera captured anything. You know we have cameras all over this place. Also, knowing when these instances have occurred, we can maybe find someone who witnessed them.”

Stephanie nodded, but she still had a concerned look on her face.

“This is about strengthening the woman’s claim,” Kayleigh told her.

“I get that. I guess we’ll have to talk to Mario and see what we can get from him.”

“Do you know the parties involved?” Kayleigh asked. “Or did Liz keep that to herself?”

“She didn’t tell me who the woman was, but she did name the man.”

“And what do you think?” Kayleigh asked. “Is this someone new to the resort? Did you check his interview file and background documents to see if there were any red flags? Have any other complaints been made against him?”

Stephanie shifted in her seat before she lifted her mug and took a sip of coffee. The way she seemed reluctant to name the man concerned Kayleigh.

“He’s been with Remington for years, and as far as I know, has never had any complaints against him.”

“You seem to not want to tell me who it is,” Kayleigh stated. “Why is that?”

Stephanie hesitated, keeping her gaze lowered as she said, “Because of his connection to you.”

Her words robbed Kayleigh of speech for a moment. “Are you talking aboutWilder?”

After a long pause, Stephanie nodded.

“That’s impossible.” Kayleigh didn’t hesitate to come to her brother’s defense. “Wilder wouldneverdo anything like that.”

“That’s what Liz said you’d say.”

Kayleigh felt a sense of betrayal by the two women. “You both know Wilder. You should be able to say that too. He has gone out of his way to keep his interactions here professional—with both the guests and the employees. Do you really believe this accusation?”

“I don’t know what to believe. I must admit, when Liz first told me who it was, I thought it was impossible. But I don’t know himthatwell.”