Page 61 of Kayleigh

“I’m good.” Though he was ready to work out, he hadn’t started yet. “And you?”

“Ready for the week,” she said, then lifted the small gym bag she carried. “I’ll be back in a minute. I’m just going to get changed.”

Hudson nodded, then watched her walk into the changing room before stepping up on the treadmill. He was jogging at a slow pace when Kayleigh reappeared in her workout clothes.

Even though she knew he was going to see her, she hadn’t switched up what she wore to the gym. That Kayleigh didn’t seem to care how she looked while she worked out told Hudson she was there for only one purpose. And it wasn’t to impress him.

Hudson appreciated that. Of course, these days, he appreciated quite a bit about Kayleigh.

Rather than get on a treadmill close to the changing rooms, she came to the one beside his. She gave him another quick smile as she climbed onto the treadmill and turned it on.

Soon, Kayleigh was matching his pace, and though they were able to chat comfortably at first, eventually, they were both breathing too hard to hold a steady conversation. Hudson tried though, because he knew from previous days that she usually listened to something as she ran, which probably made the time go by more quickly. He didn’t want her to regret having him there for her entire workout.

“Can we meet up for lunch?” Hudson asked when Kayleigh slowed her treadmill down at the end of the hour.

She wiped her face and neck with the small towel she’d brought with her. “Sure. The Steakhouse?”

Hudson grinned. “Unless you’d rather go somewhere else.”

“I’m fine with the Steakhouse.”

“I’m glad that this resort has such good restaurants, but I do like the Steakhouse the best.”

Kayleigh laughed. “Lucky for you, I like it too.”

Even hot and sweaty, Kayleigh was beautiful, and Hudson fought the urge to tell her so. It was only the knowledge that to do so was unprofessional that made him keep his mouth shut.

“I need to get going,” Kayleigh said. “But I’ll see you at lunch.”

“Yep. Have a good morning.”

Once she’d left the gym, Hudson went to the weights to spend a little time on strength training. He had a video call he needed to be a part of at ten, so he still had some time to kill.

After finishing his workout, Hudson returned to his suite to shower, have some breakfast, and get ready for the day. Once that was done, he poured himself a second cup of coffee, then settled down at his computer for the meeting.

This meeting was with Alexander and the heads of other departments in Remington. Alexander was very hands on as much as possible with everything that was going on in the large company. So these meetings weren’t uncommon.

As he listened to the various conversations throughout the meeting, Hudson messaged back and forth with Caleb, instructing him to make arrangements for his trip to Baton Rouge. He’d leave on Wednesday and hopefully be back on Friday or Saturday.

Raised voices drew his attention back to the meeting. Alexander was berating one of the department heads for not having the information that he wanted. The guy just nodded his head, understanding, as Hudson did, that Alexander’s bark was worse than his bite. Usually…

At Alexander’s request, Hudson waited around after everyone else had left the video chat.

“So you read my write-up on the Baton Rouge site?” he asked when it was just the two of them.

“Yes. I have Caleb working on arrangements for me to fly out on Wednesday.”

“Before you go, I want you to look over all the plans they’ve come up with for renovations and ensure they’re all necessary,” Alexander said. “Also, check the company that they’ve hired to do the work. I want to make sure there’s no conflict of interest. This request for such extensive work comes out of the blue and it seems to be moving quickly, so I want to make sure it’s all on the up and up.”

“Will do. I’ll have a full report to you as soon as I’ve gone over everything and visited the site.”

“Thank you,” Alexander said. “Do you want the jet?”

“Maybe to come back, depending on when I finish up there.” He hoped it wouldn’t take too long to gather the requested information, but even if it did, he’d have to stick it out until he’d done what Alexander wanted.

“Have you talked to Xander recently?”

Hudson looked up from the notes he was making. “No. Why?”