Page 37 of Kayleigh


Kayleigh smiled at Hudson when he walked into the gym. “Good morning.”

His return greeting was warm and friendly. The stiffness of their initial interactions was now a thing of the past, which Kayleigh appreciated. She figured that the better their working relationship, the more Hudson might share of his thoughts about what was going on.

She was quite certain that he was doing things behind the scenes, and she really wanted to know what those things were. If he didn’t volunteer the information soon, she might just break down and ask. They hadn’t set a time to meet that day, but Kayleigh hoped that they would get together at some point.

When her workout was done, Kayleigh waved at Hudson, then grabbed her stuff and headed to her office to get ready for the day. The meeting with her department heads was up first on her schedule.

She wasn’t sure if she should have included Hudson in the meeting, but it was just a focus on the day-to-day operations of the resort, which wasn’t why he was there.

“Good morning.” Stephanie greeted her with a smile when Kayleigh walked in. She set her things on the table, then sat down. “How was your weekend?”

They chatted as they waited for Henry and Mario to arrived. When they did, Henry greeted Kayleigh and Stephanie, then poured himself a cup of coffee and sat down at the table.

“How was your weekend, Henry?” Stephanie asked as she joined him.

“Exhausting. It seemed like every kid had a different activity going on. My wife has read a bunch of articles that have convinced her that if we want our kids to be well-rounded productive members of society, they have to participate in all these activities. I didn’t have this kind of stuff when I was a kid, and I think I turned out okay.”

“Oh, I hear ya,” Stephanie said. “Music. Sports. Arts. So many things, and I don’t know about your kids, but mine seem to lose interest really fast.”

“That was soccer,” Henry groaned. “My daughter decided she didn’t like having to run so much because it made her sweaty. Now, she’s into figure skating.”

“I loved figure skating,” Kayleigh said. “I stuck with that for several years.”

“My wife is convinced our daughter is the next women’s figure skating Olympic gold medalist.” Henry laughed. “I don’t want to discourage my daughter, but that’s never going to happen.”

Kayleigh glanced at the time on her phone. Liz was late, which wasn’t too unusual. Sometimes she got held up at the front desk or with a guest.

As Kayleigh listened to the others talk about their kids, she wondered if she’d ever be able to balance her work life with a family. Somehow Stephanie had managed to, but Kayleigh also knew that her husband was very supportive and hands-on with their kids. They were a partnership that seemed to make things work for their family.

“Sorry I’m late,” Liz sang out as she swanned into the boardroom. “Got hung up at the front desk.”

She filled a cup with coffee, then sat down next to Henry at the table.

“How was your weekend, Liz?” Stephanie asked.

“Oh, so exciting. I went out on a date.”

“You gonna date this one longer than two weeks?” Henry asked.

Liz shrugged. “First date went well. We’ll see about the second one.”

Kayleigh let them all talk for a few minutes before starting the meeting. They discussed what had happened with the restaurants, but there had been no other incidents that anyone had to report.

“So…” Liz began. “How’s it been dealing with Hudson St. James? At least he’s easy on the eyes.”

Kayleigh knew she’d have to talk to them about his presence, so she’d given it some thought ahead of the meeting. “He is concerned about the incidents, and we’ve met with the police chief so that Mr. St. James could get a firsthand report of what they’re doing to solve the thefts.”

“And what have they found?” Liz asked.

“Not much, unfortunately. It appears that our security surveillance system has been breached, which is why there is no camera footage of whoever is behind the thefts.”

“So they won’t be able to figure out who did it?” Henry asked with a frown.

“It’s possible,” Kayleigh admitted. “At least not from camera footage. There might be other things though that could lead them to the culprit.”

“It’s pretty ridiculous that a camera system can bring down a company like Remington,” Liz observed. “It’s not a good reflection on them.”