Page 33 of Kayleigh

He wanted to have another chat with Wilder to get more details about the organizations he was involved with, to see if there was perhaps a role that Hudson could play. Though he hadn’t had the personal experience that Wilder had, Hudson was not unaware of what the situation might have been that brought the other man into contact with people who were helping the street children in places like Thailand.

After he finished his workout, Hudson returned to his suite and took a shower before getting dressed for the day. Since he wasn’t planning to meet with anyone for business purposes that day, he pulled on a pair of jeans and a long-sleeve Henley.

He called room service to place an order for his breakfast, then settled down with his laptop. Just because he didn’t have any business meetings, didn’t mean he wasn’t going to work, however.

After his breakfast arrived, Hudson set his laptop to the side. While he ate, he sent a text to Kayleigh.

Good morning, Kayleigh. Would you mind passing my number on to Wilder? I’d like to chat with him about the things he mentioned last night.

Hudson had no idea if Kayleigh took advantage of being off on the weekend to sleep in, but he didn’t expect a response right away. As it turned out, he’d finished his breakfast and was on his second cup of coffee by the time she replied.

Kayleigh:I gave Wilder your number, but he might not reply for a bit since his weekends are tied up on the slopes. It might be after dark before he gets back to you. Hope that’s okay.

That’s fine. No rush. I just didn’t want to ask here for his number since he’d mentioned that he’d told the front desk that they weren’t to give it out.

Kayleigh:Yeah. He was getting harassed by women who felt “a connection” with him. Apparently, they expected that even if he didn’t feel connected to them, he’d feel connected to their money.

Hudson had no trouble envisioning that. Some rich women felt that their money could buy them the attention of a man, just like a rich man felt he could buy a young woman’s.

Sorry to hear that. Hope that’s settled down now that they’re not giving out his number.

Maybe Hudson would talk further with him about that, too. He wasn’t sure how he could broach that issue with their wealthy guests. Alexander would probably forbid him from doing anything about it.

The fact was that there were plenty of men who, in Wilder’s position, would have happily flirted their way into money from women ready to be parted from their wealth.

Knowing what he did now about Wilder and his family, it didn’t surprise Hudson at all that the man didn’t want to compromise his morals and values. He had to respect the man for sticking to those things when he could have gotten even more money for his trips around the world if he didn’t.

Kayleigh:It seems to have.

Hudson stared at their text exchange, then shifted his gaze to stare out the large window of the suite. It was a gray-ish day, and he wondered if that meant snow. Did he care? Not really, since he had no plans to leave the resort that day.

Also, why was he starting to care so much about Kayleigh and Wilder?

He never got personally involved with any of the people he met at the Remington properties around the world. That was what Alexander did, not him. Getting too close would prevent him from being able to maintain a professional outlook on the situations he dealt with.

He’d planned to join the Halversons in order to get a better perspective of what made Kayleigh tick. He had gained some of that, but he’d also been exposed to a family that was entirely unique to any he’d ever known.

He really hoped that Kayleigh wasn’t involved in what was happening at the resort, because he wasn’t sure how he’d be able to deal with her without now wondering how it would impact the members of her family. It was likely a mistake on his part, but hopefully it wouldn’t matter in the long run.

Best-case scenario would be that they’d be able to get everything tied up quickly. Then he’d go back to his life, and this brief time spent in Serenity would be just a fading memory in his rear-view mirror.

Somehow, he didn’t think this was going to be a best-case scenario.

Hudson wasn’t sure why he felt that way, but his gut was telling him that things were going to get complicated. That was probably why Alexander had sent him instead of dealing with it himself.

He set his phone on the table and turned his attention to his laptop. When he’d checked his email the previous night after getting back from dinner, there had been no response to his email from Alexander. That was a bit surprising, but he wasn’t going to be lucky enough to dodge that bullet forever.

Sure enough, there was a reply from the man waiting in his inbox.

Though he would have liked to postpone reading it, he didn’t. New York was three hours ahead, so if Alexander had sent the reply at eight that morning NYC time, he was probably waiting impatiently for a response. The man really didn’t care about time zones.

As expected, Alexander had a million questions and offered way too much advice on a situation he hadn’t wanted to deal with himself. It wasn’t the first time he’d done that.

It frustrated Hudson to no end. Either Alexander trusted him with these special jobs he sent him on, or he didn’t. If he didn’t, then he needed to stop handing these off to him. He could send someone else, or deal with them himself.

Hudson was aware that Alexander sent him because he was confident that Hudson would do his bidding. And that was because Hudsonhaddone his bidding, especially in the beginning when he’d started to work for Remington after finishing his degree at Alexander’s college of choice for him.

But now… now he chafed against the constant dictates of the man.