Page 27 of Kayleigh

“I think at this point, everything is under control,” Kayleigh said. “But my worry is about what might happen next. I mean, do we need to worry about someone sabotaging the ski lifts or something else that might lead to someone being injured?”

Hudson wished he could assure her that nothing more was going to happen, but clearly, he couldn’t do that. “I think we’ll need to be much more vigilant.” He ran a hand through his hair. “And perhaps hire additional security.”

Like most Remington locations, they had a few security guards onsite, but the main security focus was using the cameras stationed around the resort. The guards were usually only called on if the cameras revealed something concerning.

“You mean more security guards?”

“I think it might be a good idea to have some patrolling guards until we get to the bottom of all this.”

They discussed how that might work, and he was glad that Kayleigh didn’t balk at the idea because he’d go ahead with it whether she wanted it or not.

As important as it was to protect the reputation of the resort, it was even more important to protect the guests who put their trust in Remington’s properties.

It was unfortunate that the weekend was looming since it might mean they wouldn’t be able to get guards in place until Monday. Hopefully, whoever was responsible for this would take a few more days before they tried anything else. It had been almost three weeks since the previous event, which had been a theft, so it was possible that they had a little bit of breathing space.

After they ended their call, Hudson finally finished reading his report, adding in what had just happened with the restaurant orders, then made a couple more calls. One was to Caleb, even though he had left the office for the day. The man knew he was never truly off duty, and he always answered when Hudson called.

Caleb agreed to look into security firms in the Serenity Point area so they could start moving forward with hiring some guards.

Once there was nothing more he could do about that situation, Hudson turned his attention to other work that needed his focus. He wanted to get as much done as he could before leaving to eat pizza with Kayleigh’s family.


Kayleigh stepped into her house, wishing that she hadn’t committed to supper at Janessa and Charli’s. After the events of the afternoon, she really would have just preferred to decompress in her own home without having to deal with her siblings.

Unfortunately, that was not to be.

So instead of taking off her makeup and changing into her comfy home clothes, Kayleigh hurried over to her dresser and pulled out a pair of fitted jeans and an oversized black sweater with a cowl neck to change into. Taking out the French twist she’d worn that day, she brushed through her hair, then pulled it up into a ponytail.

Kayleigh wished she could take off her makeup—and probably would have if the pizza gathering had just been family—but even though Hudson had already seen her barefaced, she just couldn’t bring herself to remove it.

After she’d changed, Kayleigh put her boots and jacket back on, then picked up her purse and keys and left the house.

As she drove across town to where Janessa and Charli lived, Kayleigh reflected on the afternoon, and how glad she was that Hudson hadn’t gotten upset with how she’d handled the most recent problem.

When she’d first been told what had happened, she’d wondered if she should let Hudson know right away. However, the resort was still her responsibility. Hudson hadn’t said anything about taking over her job, so she’d handled it as if he wasn’t present at the resort.

Only after she’d dealt with the situation did she call Hudson to tell him about it. Thankfully, though he was concerned, he didn’t question what she’d done. And though he’d made a suggestion for hiring more guards, she had a feeling that he would keep her in the loop.

From the moment they’d met, Hudson had struck her as a take charge sort of man. Things could have gone much worse if he’d also been a man who had dismissed her abilities because she was a woman or if he’d thought her to be incompetent.

Well, it was possible that he did think she was incompetent and planned to just let her struggle, eventually suggesting that she be replaced. However, she really didn’t think that was the case. But if he was going to fire her, she was going to go knowing that she’d done her job to the best of her ability right up to the end.

But would someone who planned to fire her want to spend time with her outside of work? And not just with her, but with her family also?

Because of the interactions they’d had so far, Kayleigh’s gut told her that Hudson wasn’t there to override her decisions, but rather just to work with her to get to the bottom of what was going on. She hoped that they were able to do that before anything else went wrong.

When she reached the house, only Will, Janessa, and Charli’s cars were there, so it appeared that Hudson hadn’t arrived yet. Kayleigh was glad for that because him having to deal with her family without her there to run some interference wasn’t ideal.

At the front door, she rang the doorbell, then walked in since she knew that Janessa and Charli were expecting all of them.

“Hey!” Janessa said as she walked out of the kitchen. “You alone?”

“Yep. Hudson’s driving himself.”

“He seemed very nice, so I look forward to getting to know him.”

“You do realize that he’s here in a business capacity, not to make friends,” Kayleigh said as she took off her jacket and hung it in the closet. “He lives in New York.”