Page 14 of Kayleigh

Mario glanced Hudson’s way before focusing on Kayleigh again. “So, what brings you down here?”

Kayleigh half-turned toward Hudson. “This is Hudson St. James. He’s here from Remington’s New York offices.”

Mario turned his attention to Hudson and held out his hand. “I’m Mario Alameda. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

The handshake between them was firm, which Hudson appreciated. He also liked that the man looked him right in the eye as he greeted him.

“Nice to meet you, too.”

“Are you on a tour of the resort?”

Hudson glanced at Kayleigh, wondering if she wanted to clue him in. However, she just met his gaze head on and lifted her brows, apparently leaving it up to him what he told the staff.

“I am here to do some investigating of the incidents that have occurred at the resort recently.”

Mario’s smile disappeared, and a frown furrowed his brow. “The thefts.”


Mario crossed his arms. “We haven’t been able to determine how they messed with the security tapes.”

“So you know for sure that’s what happened?” Hudson asked.

“For sure?” Mario shrugged. “No. But it’s the one thing that makes sense. They somehow made it into the rooms without showing up onanyof the security cameras. That just isn’t possible without some camera interference.”

“You don’t think someone from housekeeping might have done it? Their presence in the hallways and the rooms wouldn’t have been unexpected.”

“True. But the timing doesn’t work.”

Hudson liked being able to bounce ideas off people, not just for what they might think, but also for how they reacted. Mario seemed to give Hudson’s suggestions due consideration before adding his thoughts.

He waited for Kayleigh to add her thoughts, but she just stood there, her hands clasped in front of her as she listened to them. It was likely she’d already offered her opinion to Mario, so she didn’t feel it was necessary to jump in as Hudson spoke to the man. He appreciated that she wasn’t trying to influence what Mario shared.

“I would like access to the camera footage,” Hudson said. “Whatever you gave to the cops.”

Mario nodded. “I can definitely get you that, and I’m happy to answer any further questions you might have.”

They chatted a bit more, then they said goodbye and left Mario to his work.

“While we’re down here, let’s get you a security card,” Kayleigh said as they stepped out of the room.

“Is this whole floor security?”

“Well, it is a restricted access floor, but not all of it is security.” Kayleigh used her card on another door. “Accounting and part of the HR department are down here.”

“Part?” Hudson asked as they headed down another hallway.

“Well, we can’t have all of HR down here, since it also needs to be accessible to the employees. There are very few employees who have access to this level.”

“So, you have your office on an upper floor to be accessible?”

“Yes. To both guests and employees.” She opened one more door with her card, and Hudson followed her into another office.

With beige walls and large pictures of nature on the wall, the space was decorated more warmly than the security area had been. The room was carpeted, and there was soft music playing in the background.

“Hi, Kayleigh,” a tall woman with wavy black hair said when she spotted them. “What brings you down to the dungeon?”

Hudson didn’t miss how the woman’s gaze lingered on him, even as she directed her question at Kayleigh.