Page 116 of Kayleigh

“So why did he cheat?”

“I think that was because once he realized that he’d failed, he tried to find love with someone else.”

“So what made the difference with Candace?” He’d always wondered why Alexander had changed his spots for her.

Gail smiled, affection softening her features. “Candace told Alexander what she needed from him. Shedidhave a good example of a successful marriage from her parents, and she let Alexander know what she expected of him.”

“I have a hard time believing that Alexander responded well to being told what to do, especially considering their age difference.”

“I think he’d given up on marriage, but then he met her, and he was desperate to try again. She knew his track record, however, and she told him that she wasn’t going to be his fourth wife, she was going to be his last wife. But only if he agreed to work with her to make that a reality.”

Hudson thought of the interactions he’d seen between the two, and with that new information, he viewed them in a slightly different light.

“So Candace made it clear how their marriage would be, and if he couldn’t give her that, then there was no sense in getting married. I think she was the first woman who wanted more from him than his money and the prestige that being with him would bring her.”

Hudson could see that. Candace went with Alexander to events that he needed to attend, but she didn’t tend to throw them herself unless she absolutely had to. Like her birthday dinner that she’d insisted he attend. His assumption had been that she was throwing a big party, but when he’d showed up, it had been to a family dinner. Just the six of them.

“Candace has helped him become the husband he always wanted to be but didn’t know how, and she’s helped him become the father to their children that he never had. It’s made him realize how he failed you, and he’s not sure how to fix that relationship. But he definitely wants to.”

“How do you know so much about Alexander?” Hudson asked.

Gail grimaced, then sighed. “I was married to his father for a short time. A very short time.”

Hudson was stunned at her revelation. He hadn’t looked into his grandfather at all, since from what he’d heard, the man wasn’t much different from Alexander. A bunch of marriages. Plenty of rumors of cheating. He wasn’t a man that Hudson had been interested in knowing more about.

The man had three kids, and when he’d died, he’d left his estate to the trio. Alexander had bought his half-siblings out, then built the company to the mammoth entity it was now.

“And Alexander liked you?”

“He said I was the only wife that treated him as anything but a nuisance.”

“Including his own mom?”

“Oh yes. She was a… difficult woman.”

“Why didn’t you tell me any of this before?” Hudson asked.

“Well, you probably wouldn’t have been willing to listen.”

“And you thought I would now?”

Gail smiled. “I figured you’d happily talk about your dad if it meant you didn’t have to talk about yourself.”

Hudson shook his head, even though he couldn’t exactly dispute what she’d said.

“Anyway, all that is to explain to you why your dad is worried about you. Your dad, not Alexander Remington.”

Hudson wasn’t sure what to do with Gail’s revelations. Wasn’t sure how to shift his view of Alexander and how the man fit into his life.

He’d thought that the situation with Kayleigh would be what Gail would press him to talk about. Instead, he had a bunch more confusing thoughts in his head.

How was he supposed to sort through everything?

He rubbed his forehead, trying to massage away the ache that had been there in varying levels ever since he’d left Serenity.

“Tell me what happened,” Gail said, reaching out to rest her hand gently on his arm. “You need to talk to someone, and you know you can trust me.”

Hudsondidknow that. She was the one person he’d trusted after his mom wasn’t there to help him anymore. But, as always, her connection to Alexander made him pause. Would she report everything he told her to Alexander?