Page 81 of Kayleigh

Kayleigh trailed after her as they wove through the other tables, most of which were full. As they approached the table, Hudson got to his feet. The hostess didn’t linger, and when she left, Hudson stepped behind Kayleigh and helped her take off her coat.

She laid the coat on one of the extra chairs at the table, then she slid into the chair opposite Hudson. He was dressed in a long-sleeved white shirt with a gray striped tie, but he didn’t have a suit coat on. The other thing that made him look less like he did during work hours was his hair. Rather than being swept back from his face like it normally was, it lay in waves across his forehead.

He gave her a quick smile. “How’re you doing?”

“I’ve been better.” She figured she might as well be honest. “But at least we’re making some progress with this situation, right?”

Hudson nodded but didn’t say anything as their server approached their table to tell them the specials and ask for their drink order. They kept their conversation light as they decided what to order, then waited for the server to return.

Their table was a little isolated from others, but Kayleigh wasn’t sure they should talk about the situation since it wouldn’t be great if someone overheard what they were discussing.

Once they had their food, Kayleigh said a quick prayer for her food and added a prayer for Wilder. Hudson didn’t start to eat until Kayleigh was done praying, which she appreciated.

“So you came to a steakhouse and ordered chicken?” Hudson asked.

Kayleigh gave a soft huff of laughter. “Yep. And it’s going to be as delicious as a steak. Guaranteed.”

“I have to say that I’ve gotten some version of steak every time I’ve eaten here. Perhaps I should try the chicken.”

“You wouldn’t be disappointed,” Kayleigh assured him.

“I haven’t disliked anything I’ve eaten at the resort yet.”

“We have been fortunate with our chefs and the restaurants. They are popular enough that people even drive from Coeur d’Alene to eat here.”

They spoke more about the resort as they waited for their food to arrive. The casual conversation helped Kayleigh relax for the first time that day.

She wasn’t sure what it was about Hudson that helped ease the tension she’d carried all day. Part of her suspected it was the competent air that surrounded the man. She felt like she could trust him to step up and take care of things. And not because he had to, but because he wanted to.

It was a rare thing for her to find someone who she trusted to handle things that she was capable of dealing with herself. Her dad and some of her brothers were possible exceptions.

Normally, she preferred to be the one in charge, making decisions, and doing what was necessary to resolve whatever situation arose. But with this, she had been told to step back, leaving her with no option but to allow someone else to take control.

She still suffered from worry, but it had more to do with Wilder and not so much to do with how Hudson was handling things. She trusted him. Not just with the resort, but with Wilder, and, shockingly, with her own emotions.

That was a huge revelation, and one that wasn’t entirely welcome.

Kayleigh had always imagined that if she found a man who made her feel the way Hudson did that she’d be in a relationship with him. That definitely wasn’t in the future for her and Hudson, and that thought hurt Kayleigh’s heart more than it should have.

She remembered talking to Janessa about not knowing for sure what she’d like in a man. Now she knew… it was Hudson.

And yet he couldn’t be the man for her when something that was so important to her wasn’t important to him. Her parents had often reminded them that anyone they dated should draw them closer to God. That that was the only way to have a relationship that honored Him.

She knew that wouldn’t be the case with Hudson.

So even though her heart wanted her to set aside everything she believed in order to be with Hudson, Kayleigh had to trust that since Hudson wasn’t God’s will for her, He had something better for her.

Whether that was a man or just peace about being single.

If only it didn’t feel like the hardest thing she’d ever done.


Seeing Kayleigh again settled something inside Hudson, easing away the stress of the past few days.

He’d never liked dealing with people who tried to take advantage of Remington since Alexander was so generous with Remington employees.

For all his failings in his personal life, Alexander understood how important it was to treat his staff well. He’d set up Remington to take care of its employees. Over time, he’d even established opportunities for employees and their families to apply for Remington sponsored scholarships and loans.