Page 3 of Kayleigh

Normally, she enjoyed the Monday morning meetings with her managers. However, lately it seemed like there were more issues to deal with than usual. Some of them quite significant. She prayed there were none that day. But honestly, she was braced for the worst.

As nine o’clock neared, Kayleigh settled into her seat and opened the notes app on her tablet. She had made notes of her own, so she reviewed those as she waited.

The first to appear was Henry Miller, who was in charge of building maintenance and the housekeeping staff. He greeted her with a smile, then headed for the coffee maker.

“Good morning,” Liz Gray announced as she breezed into the room. Her short, highlighted blonde hair was styled to perfection, and the suit she wore was a bright fuchsia. Her appearance reflected her vibrant personality, which made her great at her job as the manager of guest relations. “Happy Monday.”

“Morning,” Kayleigh said as her friend joined Henry at the coffee machine.

The last two to join them were the HR manager, Stephanie Bedard, and Mario Alameda, who was in charge of security. Stephanie didn’t get coffee because her morning drink of choice was tea, and she’d brought her own. Mario, however, filled a mug, then dumped plenty of sugar and cream into it.

Once everyone was seated at the small boardroom table, Kayleigh glanced around at the others, trying to read their expressions.

“Good morning,” she said. “I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.”

There was some brief talk about their weekends, then the meeting officially got underway.

“Before we get too far into things,” Liz said, “I want to let you know that I received an interesting call this morning.”

“Interesting good?” Kayleigh asked. “Or interesting bad?”

Liz wrinkled her nose. “Given what’s been going on here lately, I’m going to go with… bad.”

Kayleigh sighed. “Hit me with it.”

“Just before I came here, I received a call that we needed to prepare the owner's suite.”

“Alexander Remington is coming?”

Liz shrugged as she picked up her phone. “Not sure. A Caleb Hayes phoned to say that someone would arrive on Wednesday to stay in the suite.”

Kayleigh frowned as she tried to place the name. She tapped on her tablet and opened up a browser search engine. After typing in the name, she waited to see what results popped up.

“Is it possible that it’s just someone coming in for a vacation?” Henry asked. “It hasn’t always been business related when the suite’s been used.”

“That’s true,” Liz agreed. “However, this Caleb guy sounded very business-like. Just gave off a vibe of the visit being more than a vacation.”

“He had the code?” Kayleigh asked as she skimmed over the top results of her search.

“Yes. I wouldn’t have mentioned it if he hadn’t.”

The owner suite was only opened if someone called and gave a code that could be verified with a person who worked at Remington headquarters. It kept them from preparing the suite for people who shouldn’t have access to it.

There were social media accounts for the name Caleb Hayes, but none showed any association with Remington Properties. Not that that meant anything, since not everyone put the company they worked for on their social media.

His name didn’t come up on the Remington Properties website. But again, if he was an assistant, it was likely he wouldn’t be listed.

It was rare that they dealt with anyone from headquarters. There was a regional manager who stopped in periodically, and of course, Mr. Remington himself would occasionally contact Kayleigh to see how things were going. When he showed up, it was usually for a vacation with his family.

Of course, it was possible that she was just being paranoid because of the incidents that had been cropping up of late.

“Well, make sure the suite is ready as requested,” Kayleigh said, closing the browser on her tablet. “Were there any special requests?”

“Nope,” Liz said. “Aside from making sure it was stocked with our best coffee and a machine. Which, of course, is a given in any suite or room here.”

“Anything else we should know from your department?” Kayleigh asked, hoping against hope that there wasn’t.

At least she could assume that there hadn’t been another theft to add to the three that had already taken place over the past two months. If there had been, Kayleigh should have been told as soon as it was discovered, whatever the time of day.