Page 2 of Kayleigh

“Don’t you usually take care of that location?” There were a handful of Remington properties that Alexander had never sent Hudson to, and though Hudson had some suspicions of why, he’d never voiced them.

“I do,” Alexander agreed. “But this time, I need you to go. I’ll forward you the file on what’s been happening there.”

Figuring that was all he was going to get from him, Hudson simply said, “Okay.”

“You can take the plane,” Alexander told him. “Get a driver from the resort to pick you up, and if you need a vehicle, just use one from there.”

Hudson was thankful he at least could travel privately. He was in no mood to hassle the commercial airlines again.

After giving him those instructions, Alexander hung up. Hudson growled in frustration. He usually had at least a week between trips. Occasionally two, if he was lucky.

His trips to Asia were always stressful. Not just because of the amount of time spent traveling, but also because he struggled with the challenge of language and cultural differences.

It was just impossible for him to be aware of all the cultural nuances of every country he visited, so he was stressed trying to keep from offending anyone. It was definitely a failing on his part, and because of that, he usually needed time after a long trip like he’d just been on to decompress.

Instead of getting that break, however, he’d barely have time to get his laundry done and repack his bags. He had no idea how long he would be gone, so he was going to pack for a week’s stay and then make use of the laundry facilities at the resort if necessary.

Though he hated to bother his assistant on the weekend, Caleb got paid the big bucks—relatively speaking—to be at his beck and call.

Alexander had thought Hudson was nuts to hire a man instead of—as he’d put it—a beautiful young woman who would be enticing to look at. Little did Alexander know that it was precisely because of that type of thinking that Hudson had hired a man.

Caleb was excellent at his job, very detail oriented, and Hudson had never had a moment’s regret about hiring him.

He pulled up Caleb’s info, but rather than call him, Hudson sent a text detailing what he needed done.

Caleb:Will do, boss.

Caleb:The big guy didn’t give you much recovery time, did he?

Hudson leaned his shoulder against the window as he tapped a reply.No, he didn’t. I’m so exhausted I feel like I could sleep for a week.

Caleb:Well, drink some chamomile tea, take some melatonin, and at least try to get a good night of rest in your own bed.

Yes, sir.

It was rather ironic that this thirty-year-old man played the role of caretaker to Hudson, like his mom would have if she’d still been with him. That was a bittersweet thought, but he appreciated Caleb’s efforts when he was as tired as he was right then. He knew that Caleb was passing on things his own mom had taught him, which Hudson appreciated.

After Caleb ended the conversation, Hudson returned to his plan for a shower.

Once he was done, he dressed in a pair of pajama pants and a T-shirt, then went to get something to eat. His plan was to eat his fill, then go to bed. It was only late afternoon, but if he was going to have to spend the next day preparing for another trip, he needed to sleep as much as he could while he had the time.

He was glad to see that his fridge was fully stocked with food, even though he wasn’t going to be able to eat more than one or two meals there. He’d have to tell Caleb to come in and raid his fridge. It wasn’t the first time he’d had to ask him to do that.

As he ate, Hudson took the time to read through the file Alexander had forwarded to him. He’d never thought much about the Serenity Point resort since he figured that was a location he’d never be visiting. There was something in that location that held Alexander’s interest, and Hudson tried not to think too deeply about it, given what he knew about the man’s past.

Once he’d read the contents of the file, Hudson realized that perhaps Alexander was handing this off to him because he was too close to the people who worked there. That made him wonder if he was going to push back against any suggestions Hudson might make while he was there.

Either way, it wouldn’t matter. He’d present what he found to Alexander without concern for how he might react. As far as Hudson was concerned, he was there to do a job, and he’d do it to the best of his ability. Just like he always did.

And if Alexander didn’t want that, then he shouldn’t be sending Hudson. He knew how Hudson approached situations that could impact the safety and security of Remington’s guests and their belongings.

Hudson just hoped that he had the mental stamina to take on something like that so soon after the draining trip he’d just returned from.


Kayleigh Halverson drained the last of her coffee, then got up from her desk. She gathered up her phone and tablet and carried them, along with her mug, into the small boardroom down the hall from her office.

The room was currently empty, though there was fresh coffee in the coffeemaker, thanks to her assistant, Andrea. Kayleigh set her electronics on the table, then went to the small sink next to the coffeemaker and rinsed her mug before filling it again with coffee.