Page 134 of Kayleigh

Kayleigh shifted so she could look up at him. “Almost? What’s missing?”

Hudson gazed at her for a long moment, making Kayleigh worry that something was really wrong. But before she could voice her concern, he moved from his place on the bench. He bent down on one knee, pulling a small black box from the pocket of his jacket as he took her hand.

Kayleigh stared at him in shock. They hadn’t talked a whole lot about marriage. She’d figured he’d need time to work up to it because of what he’d seen of Alexander’s relationships. She hadn’t felt the need to pressure him, knowing that it would come when he was ready.

Apparently, he was ready after two-weeks away from her.

And if he was ready, she was ready.

“I missed you so much these past two weeks,” Hudson said. “I know we talked every day, but it just isn’t the same as being here with you. You have become so important to me. You have helped me find my way back to God, and in turn, that has helped me want to be a better man. I’m thankful for the journey God has taken me on, and I know He brought us together for a reason. I want to continue on the journey God has for me with you at my side. And when I come home from trips like this, I don’t want to have to say goodbye to you at the end of the day. I love you so much, Kayleigh. Will you marry me?”

“Yes.” There was no need to keep him in suspense when she already knew that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. “I love you with my whole heart, and though I’ve never given much thought to being someone’s wife, I most definitely want to be yours.”

Hudson’s smile was beaming as he opened the small box and pulled the ring out of its velvet setting. “I hope you like it.”

“I’m sure I will. You know that I’m really not fussy about jewelry,” Kayleigh told him, then touched her necklace. “Plus, you’ve already proven that you know how to pick beautiful pieces. I trust you.”

Hudson took her hand in his and brushed a kiss around the backs of her fingers before he slid the ring into place. He kept a grip on her hand as he got to his feet, drawing her up with him.

As Kayleigh stepped into his embrace, emotion flooded her as it really sank in that this man was going to be hers… forever. She clung tightly to him, then tipped her head back to gaze into his eyes.

“Thank you for being willing to take a chance on me,” he said. “You won’t regret it.”

“I don’t feel like I’m taking a chance,” Kayleigh assured him. “I’m confident that you’re as committed to our future together as I am. This feels like a sure thing.”

“As far as I’m concerned, our marriage is going to be my one and only, so I’m going to do whatever it takes to make that a reality.”

“Thank you,” Kayleigh said. “For committing so strongly to me and to our future together. I love you.”

Hudson dipped his head, and Kayleigh was glad she had her heels on to help offset their height difference as they shared their first kiss as an engaged couple. Their closeness filled her with warmth and love and all the wonderful feelings she’d never shared with anyone else.

When the kiss ended, they stood there for a moment just smiling at each other, then Hudson said, “Want to go share the good news with your parents?”

“Yes. I’d really like that.”

They kept their arms around each other as they made their way back to the car. When they arrived at her parents’ house, there were a couple of cars parked in front of it, so it looked like they’d get to share their good news with more than just her parents.

She’d texted her mom on the way to make sure it was okay if they came by. When she’d responded that they were welcome to, she’d also said they were hanging out on the back deck and to come on through.

They walked into the house without knocking, then made their way through the house to the back door that led to the deck. As soon as they stepped out, a loud and enthusiastic chorus ofcongratulationsrang out.

Kayleigh froze, taking in all the people who were present. Everyone…everyonewas there. Even Alexander, Candace, and their three kids stood with her family members.

She turned to look at Hudson, who was grinning from his spot behind her. “Did you know about this?”

“Yep. When I came to talk to your parents about proposing, your mom wanted to know if she could plan a party for us. I figured it was definitely worth celebrating, so I said yes.”

Kayleigh hugged him again, then hurried over to hug her parents. “Thank you so much. This is wonderful.”

After showing her mom her ring, she and Hudson joined Alexander and Candace. “Did you all come on the plane with Hudson today?”

“We sure did,” Alexander said with a wide smile. “Congratulations, Kayleigh. We’re so pleased for you and Hudson. He’s been stressed out over the design for weeks now.”

Kayleigh looked down at her ring, then up at Hudson. “You designed this?”

His small smile seemed almost shy. “I had help.”

“Well, it is beautiful and just perfect.”