Page 121 of Kayleigh

Ithadto be most important, even though her heart wasn’t entirely convinced it was.

Clasping her hands together tightly in her lap, Kayleigh prepared to lose her career. “I’m sorry. There’s nothing. I just can’t…” She took a deep breath and blew it out. “And if that means you need to remove me from my position, I’ll understand.”

Alexander frowned at her. “You’d be willing to give up your job to stick to your beliefs?”

Kayleigh took another deep breath. “Yes.”

Silence stretched between the two of them, and Kayleigh could feel tension building in her shoulders. However, she kept her gaze steady on Alexander. If she was going to lose everything, she would face it head on.

“As your boss, I have to say that you sticking to your principles is very admirable, and I’m glad to have you as part of the Remington team.” Alexander cleared his throat. “The thing is, I’m not here as your boss. I’m here as Hudson’s father. It’s difficult to separate the two, but I’m going to. While I wish there was something I could promise you for your career that would make you give Hudson another chance, I’m actually glad that there isn’t.”

Kayleigh exhaled heavily. “Please know that this isn’t a reflection on Hudson. From all the time we’ve spent together, I can tell he’s a wonderful man. If I didn’t care about my faith, I absolutely would have been thrilled to be with Hudson.”

Alexander nodded. “I happen to agree with you. He’s someone I admire, and I do love him, even though he’d never believe me.”

The emotion on the man’s face touched Kayleigh, but she had a feeling that Hudson would be furious that Alexander had come to talk with her. However, while Hudson wouldn’t have appreciated his father’s efforts on his behalf, Kayleigh was glad that he had someone on his side. Someone who had his best interests at heart.

“Where is Hudson now?” Kayleigh asked.

In some of her weaker moments, she’d tried to find him on social media, even though it probably would have been torture to see him enjoying his life.

Except he apparentlyhadn’tbeen enjoying his life. What Alexander had revealed had increased Kayleigh’s heartache.

“He was in New Zealand,” Alexander said. “But a couple of days ago, I told him it was time to come home. That I was benching him, so to speak.”

“I’m going to guess he didn’t take that well.”

Alexander gave a huff. “That would be correct. He got on the plane, but instead of coming back to New York, he had the plane drop him in Miami.”

“For a vacation?”

“Of sorts. He’s gone to stay with the woman who lived with and cared for him after his mom died.”

“And that’s a good thing?”

The man nodded. “It is. If anyone can help him, it’s Gail. She’ll take good care of him.”

“I’m glad.”

Alexander sat in silence for a moment, then pushed back from the table. “I’d better go. The plane is waiting for me.”

As they got to their feet, Kayleigh said, “You’re not staying the night?”

“Nope. Just flew in to talk with you.”

As she walked with Alexander to the door of the office, Kayleigh realized that this would probably be the last time she received any information about the man who had captured her heart.

Alexander held out his hand. She took it, and he gave her hand a firm shake. “Continue the good work, Kayleigh. You’ve proven my instincts were correct in supporting you in your desire to establish your career here. Thank you for that.”

“Thank you for giving me the opportunity. I’ll never forget what you’ve done for me, and for Wilder, too.”

Alexander smiled at her. “I wish everyone who worked for Remington had the same passion for their career that you do.”

After Alexander had left, Kayleigh gathered up her things. She felt so emotionally raw and vulnerable that she didn’t want to have to deal with anyone else. Once she’d let the Night Manager know that she was gone for the night, she left the resort.

The sun was just setting now that the days were getting longer, and it was also getting warmer. Unfortunately, she wasn’t enjoying the nicer days in the way she would have in the past.

After walking through the door of her house, she dropped her bags onto the floor and just stood there. Her shoulders slumped as she let the full weight of the emotional conversation she’d had with Alexander wash over her.