Page 113 of Kayleigh

The connection he’d felt with her went beyond anything he’d experienced before. Not just a physical attraction, but the feeling that they were in sync in so many ways. And then there had been the eagerness he’d felt to see her again after he’d been away. That had been new and exciting.

But it had all been leading nowhere.

Well, nowhere but to heartache.


For the next couple of months, Hudson tried to outwork his pain and anger. He rarely returned to New York, much to Caleb’s dismay. And even Alexander had started to voice his concern.

Hudson didn’t care. His job was what was most important to him, and he devoted himself to it now even more than he had before.

“You have nothing more on your schedule,” Caleb told him. “You need to come home.”

Hudson frowned. “What do you mean I have nothing on my schedule? I’m hearing to Hong Kong next.”

He’d been visiting the Remington locations throughout Asia and the Pacific, and most recently, he’d been in Australia and New Zealand. The plan had been to travel from Auckland to Hong Kong and then on to Europe. He hadn’t necessarily needed to visit every location he’d been to, but Hudson had done it anyway.

He hadn’t realized that when he finally fell in love, he’d fall so hard. And because of that, he was still struggling to get past the hurt.

Shoving it aside and focusing on his job seemed to be the only thing that helped. Oh, and letting his anger rise to the top. Which meant that he hadn’t suffered fools gladly over the past couple of months. Not that he ever really had, but now he was more vocal about it.

Anger was a familiar emotion, and it wasn’t the first time he’d used it to deal with his hurt and grief.

“Alexander has sent the plane for you, and you’re to come back to the States.”

“And if I say no?” Hudson ran his hand through his hair, realizing he needed to get a haircut. He’d let a lot of stuff slide since leaving Serenity Point.

Caleb sighed. “I don’t think that’s an option, Hudson. Just do as he’s asked.”

“I have a schedule planned out.”

“Not anymore. Alexander told me to cancel everything and send the plane to get you, and I value my job enough to do what he told me to.”

“MaybeI’llfire you,” Hudson said, anger simmering inside him.

“That’s fine. Alexander said I’d still have a job in the company.” Caleb sighed again, clearly exasperated with him. “We’re all worried about you. Something happened in Serenity, and though we have some ideas, it sure would be great if you’d talk to us about it.”

The very last thing he’d ever want to do was talk to Alexander about his heartache. He hadn’t turned to the man as a confidante or for comfort after his mom’s death, and he certainly wasn’t going to now, either.

“I’m fine,” Hudson said. “But I guess I don’t have a choice if the great man has spoken.”

“Hudson,” Caleb muttered. “He’s worried about you.”

“He doesn’t need to be,” Hudson told him. “Does he have complaints about my work?”

“Aside from you not taking a break? Not really. He’s just saying you’re workingtoohard.”

“Just can’t please the man,” Hudson muttered. “So, when is the plane arriving?”

“It should land in about twelve hours.”

“Send me all the info. I’ll be there.”

When the call ended, Hudson sighed, annoyed that Alexander was dictating his life. As his boss, the man had the right to tell him what to do concerning the company.

Unfortunately, this order felt like it went beyond work to his personal life.

Caleb probably didn’t understand why Alexander’s concern seemed out of proportion for an employee, though Caleb had also expressed his own concern for Hudson. The man was probably the closest thing Hudson had to a friend in New York, but he’d never told Caleb about his relationship to Alexander. And that wasn’t going to change.