Page 87 of Janessa

Janessa would have preferred to just make it up to her room without having to talk to anyone. Unfortunately, it was like Charli had radar for whenever people didn’t want her attention on them. Probably came from being a mom and a teacher.


“Why did Will want to drive you home?”

“He wanted to talk about some stuff.”

“Are you not allowed to share it?”

Janessa shrugged. “I think it’s better if I don’t. At least not at the moment.”

“Fair enough.” Charli headed for the kitchen. “Want something to eat or drink?”

Janessa wanted to go up to her room, but instead, she nodded. “I wouldn’t mind a cookie and a coffee.”

She followed Charli into the kitchen and put her purse on the counter, then went to the single serve coffeemaker on the counter. After pulling out a pod of her favorite decaf flavor, she put it into the coffee maker.

“Are you having coffee too?” Janessa asked as she turned the machine on.

“No. I’m going to have some tea.”

Once her mug was filled, Janessa added a bit of cream and some sugar. She grabbed a cookie from the container, then sat down at the counter.

“Are you ready for the dinner tomorrow?” Charli asked as she dunked her tea bag in her cup of hot water.

“I think so. It’s been kind of fun working on it, but I’ll be glad when it’s over.”

“I’m sure that’s true,” Charli said. “That’s usually the case whenever there’s a large event. I would imagine it’s going to be most intense for the people doing the cooking.”

“Yep,” Janessa agreed as she picked up her mug to take a sip. She was very glad that she and Will weren’t responsible for the program. Especially now.

“Did Will mention anything about his date?” Charli asked. “Or is that not something you can talk about?”

“He did mention it in passing. He said that it went fine.”

“But he really isn’t going to go on another date with her?”

“I don’t think so. He only went as a favor to Jackson.”

“I’d never go on a date as a favor.”

“Me either, to be honest, but I think he saw it as an opportunity to test the dating waters. Maybe if he’d really hit it off with the woman, he might have gone on another date with her.”

“I guess it’s good that he’s at least willing to put himself out there.”

If only Charli knew. The thing was, Jay had called back after talking with Will to say that he thought Charli and Gareth were wrong in thinking Will was interested in Janessa. Which was why she’d been so shocked at what Will had wanted to talk to her about.

“It might have helped that he saw Jay move on from a breakup,” Charli said. “Jay’s definitely happier with Misha than he ever was with Casey. At least from what I can see.”

“I see that too,” Janessa agreed. “Those two relationships are like night and day.”

“So maybe Will will give dating another chance, having seen that.”

“It’s possible.”

“I just hope that when he does start to officially date someone that they’ll be more willing to spend time with all of us,” Charli said.

Janessa had to stifle a laugh. If only she knew.