Page 80 of Janessa

“What do you think, Janessa?” Aria asked.

“I think the three of you are crazy.” She glanced over to where they sat at the counter. “Will is my friend, just like he’s yours.”

“He’s never brought me his mom’s soup,” Charli said.

“Me either,” Gareth agreed as he pulled out his phone. “Maybe I should ask Jay if Will’s ever brought him soup.”

Janessa was quite sure that Will had done that, so she didn’t object to Gareth calling.

“Sure, Will brings me Alice’s soup whenever I’m not feeling good,” Jay said through the speakerphone of Gareth’s phone. “Why are you asking?”

“He brought some by tonight for Janessa and then hung around for supper.”

“Janessa isn’t feeling well?” There was concern in Jay’s voice that warmed Janessa, despite the current topic of conversation.

“That’s what she told Will.”

“I’ll give her a call,” Jay said, apparently ready to end the conversation.

Only Gareth wasn’t done yet. “So… Charli, Aria, and I are discussing the likelihood that Will likes Janessa.”

Jay scoffed. “Well, of course he likes her. Why wouldn’t Will like her? Has something happened?”

“Not that kind of like,” Gareth said. “We think he has a romantic interest in Janessa.”

The silence from Jay stretched on before he finally said, “Huh. What makes you think that?”

Janessa rolled her eyes as she rinsed the casserole dish, then grabbed the dish towel to dry it. Gareth and Charli laid out all their proof, but Aria stayed quiet, and when Janessa looked at her as she put the casserole dish in the cupboard, her friend gave her a sympathetic look.

“I’m not sure if all that adds up to Will wanting to date Janessa, or if he’s just being a good friend,” Jay said. “But it wouldn’t bother me if he did want to go out with her. I’ve just never had an inkling that he was interested in her or her in him.”

“So he hasn’t said anything to you?” Charli asked.

“Nope. Not a word. I mean, he mentioned going on that double date with Jackson, and I wouldn’t think he’d be dating other women if he was interested in Nessa.”

“I think he did that as a favor for Jackson,” Gareth said. “Not because he was hoping that something would come of it.”

“Well, I’ll tell you what, the best way to get to the bottom of this is to ask Will,” Jay said. “I’ll give him a call and see what he says.”

Janessa started to object, but Jay had hung up. Things had spun way out of control, and Janessa was annoyed at her siblings for blowing everything out of proportion.

“You guys are all a pain,” Janessa said. “Don’t you have anything better to do with your time?”

“Well, you and Charli didn’t have anything better to do than try to convince me that Gareth was interested inme,” Aria reminded her.

“That’s true,” Charli agreed. “And we were right. I think we’re right this time, too. I would think you’d be excited about this, Janessa. After all, you had a crush on Will back in high school.”

“You did?” Gareth asked. “I didn’t know that.”

“I never said I had a crush on Will.” She had known it would be abaaadidea to tell any of her siblings that.

“You didn’thaveto,” Charli said. “It was obvious.”

Janessa crossed her arms. “Not possible.”

She just wanted this conversation to end, so she could retreat to her bedroom to deal with the mess of emotions she’d been experiencing over the past few days.

“But what if Jay calls us back and tells us that Willisinterested in you?” Charli asked. “You’re just going to ignore that? You really don’t care?”