Page 56 of Janessa

“I’ve decided to switch up my work schedule a bit,” Jay announced. “As long as there are no objections.”

“Let me guess,” Gareth said. “You want to work on Saturday instead of Monday.”

Jay grinned. “I suppose that’s not such a surprise, huh?”

“Not really,” Janessa said. “It makes sense.”

“My time is more limited now that I’m back to coaching, so I’d like it if my schedule lined up better with Misha’s.”

“You’re the one who would best know how that would work with what you do here,” Gareth said. “So if you think it’ll be fine, it’s not a problem with me.”

“Nor me,” Janessa added.

Jay glanced at Aria, who shrugged. “I think this decision is between the three of you. It doesn’t impact me, but if you need a vote from me, I’m all for it.”

“You do get a vote,” Gareth told her. “Everyone who works here does.”

“I guess we don’t need to ask Misha what she wants,” Janessa said with a laugh.

Misha smiled. “I think it’s a great idea.”

“Then you can start the new schedule whenever you want,” Gareth said. “If any issues do come up, we can revisit the decision.”

“Thanks,” Jay said.

Janessa was glad that things were working out so well for Jay and Misha. Even with the stresses of them both being single parents, they seemed to be making their relationship work.

Jay went on to tell them about a pre-season game Cole had played in on the weekend. Being part of the college team was different from the high school one, and he was struggling to make the adjustment.

He’d been the star of the high school team in Serenity, but that wasn’t the case anymore. Now there were others who were the big stars, and he needed to bide his time and still play his best, even when he wasn’t garnering any attention.

“Are you planning to go see him play at some point?” Gareth asked.

“I hope to. I’m going to wait until he’s played a few games and settled into things a bit. So maybe in December.”

“Let me know when you plan to go,” Gareth said. “I’d like to go. Mom and Dad probably would too.”

“We’ll make a weekend of it. With enough notice, we could close the clinic for a Saturday.”

“Yep,” Gareth agreed. “I’m sure we can work that out. Make it a family road trip.”

“Family plus a few,” Janessa reminded him. “Pretty sure that Will would want to tag along, too.”

“Definitely,” Jay said. “Will would want to be there if we’re going.”

The lunch hour ended far too soon, and Janessa left with Aria to prepare for the afternoon appointments. Aria proceeded to unlock the front door, while Janessa made sure all the exam rooms were ready.

As she worked, Janessa wondered how Will’s day was going. Hopefully he wasn’t dealing with too much grief from the teens who might be spreading their thoughts on Janessa’s denial that she and Will were dating.

Maybe she should text him to see what might be going on. And to let him know he could talk to her about it if he wanted to, considering it would be partly her fault if he was dealing with nosy teens.

Once she had the next two appointments in their exam rooms, she pulled her phone out of her pocket and brought up the chat window with the messages between her and Will.

Hope your day is going okay. Are you getting hassled by any of the kids about last night?

Janessa didn’t expect to hear from him right away since she was pretty sure that he didn’t check his phone during class. She put her phone away, then went to prep the next two exam rooms.

The rest of the day went by quickly, with steady appointments and none of them running overly late. Gareth had left around two to check on a patient in the hospital in Coeur d’Alene. He didn’t always visit people in the hospital, but occasionally he made the trip.