Page 54 of Janessa

Will shrugged. “I liked that she studied a lot and was willing to work hard.”

Janessa seemed to consider his words before she nodded. “That kind of makes sense, to be honest. That pretty much describes who you were in high school, too.”

“I suppose it does.” It wasn’t like he could deny it when she’d been there to observe him during that time.

They finished putting the chairs and tables away, then left the room, with Will turning off the light as he followed Janessa out. There were a handful of people in the hallway who’d been at the church for the other committee meeting.

“Where have you two been?” one of the ladies asked.

“We were meeting with the young people who are interested in serving,” Janessa told her. “Did we miss anything exciting?”

The woman shook her head. “Not really. Just fleshing out more details. Seems most of it is finally sorted out.”

“That’s good. We’re going to have one more meeting to practice serving, then hopefully we’ll be good to go.”

The woman fell into step beside them as they continued down the hallway to the foyer. “I’ve been happy to help, but I must admit, I’ll be glad when the dinner is over.”

“Yeah,” Janessa agreed. “As long as people enjoy the evening, it will have been worth our efforts.”

Will pushed out the front door of the church, then held it for the two women. The evening was a little cool, and the sun had already set now that the days were getting shorter.

The woman headed off to her car while Will walked with Janessa to hers.

“Glad we weren’t the only ones finding some of those meetings a little tedious,” she said as she unlocked her car.

“You made our meeting interesting,” Will told her. “So the people there shouldn’t have been bored.”

“Who knows. They were mostly kids.”

“I guess we’ll see who shows up to the next meeting. Hopefully, we’ll still have enough, even if they don’t all come back.”

“I’m mentally preparing myself to serve, and to also prevail upon my family to help if need be.”

“I’d ask Reese and Isaac, but I doubt they’d want to help. And honestly, we probably wouldn’t want them to.”

“That would be like asking Wilder to help. He’d spend more time visiting with people than serving them.”

“Some might enjoy that, but most would probably just want their food.”

Janessa opened her door and slid behind the wheel. “Well, I’ll let you know what response I get to the email. I’m going to CC you on it, so you know what I’m saying in case any kids approach you at school.”

“Sounds good.”

After they’d said goodnight and Janessa had pulled out of her parking spot, Will got in his car and drove home.

The evening had gone better than he’d anticipated, with more people showing up than he’d expected. He knew his parents would be glad to hear that, since they liked the members to be involved in church events, especially the younger generation.

He just hoped that their involvement ended up being a positive thing for the dinner and not a distraction.

Something that was becoming a distraction for him, however, was the memory of being asked if he and Janessa were dating. It wasn’t something he’d ever thought about, but now… he couldn’t seem to push the idea out of his mind.


Janessa smiled at the patient whose name she’d just called. “How are you today, Maria?”

“I’m doing okay. Feeling a little tired, though.”

“Kids running you ragged?” The woman had three kids under four, and Janessa was sure the demands of caring for them was exhausting.