Page 51 of Janessa

“Did I snore?” Janessa asked as they walked down the hall after the meeting was over.

Will chuckled. “Not that I heard. I didn’t even realize you fell asleep.”

“I sleep with my eyes open.”

“Well, rest assured—ha ha—you didn’t snore.”

Janessa grinned. “These meetings…”

“For the record, I agree about the meetings. Just a bit boring.”

“A bit?”

“Okay. A lot,” he conceded. “Maybe we should plan a meeting for next Monday for all the people interested in serving. Then we’ll tell Evelyn we can’t attend the main meeting.”

“I think that’s an excellent idea,” Janessa said with a quick nod.

“We just have to make sure we keep it lively, so we don’t have people falling asleep with their eyes open. I’ll leave the challenge of making it interesting to you since I’m not exactly the most entertaining person.”

Janessa put a hand on his arm, bringing him to a stop. When Will looked at her, she had a frown on her face. “Is that what Daphne told you?”

Will didn’t want to admit that to her. “She didn’t have to tell me something I already knew. Next to someone like Jackson, I’m pretty dull.”

Janessa let out a huff. “Next to Jackson, we’reallpretty dull. Never measure yourself against that man.”

“I understand that I’m more on the low-key end of exciting. I teach math. I spend time with family and friends. I go to basketball games. That’s about the extent of my life.”

“And there’s nothing wrong with that. As long as you’re enjoying it, then don’t be going out there trying to be exciting just because someone else thinks you should be.”

“I get that. I’m just saying that you’re going to be responsible for making the meeting entertaining.”

She let go of his arm. “I think between the two of us, we can make sure no one falls asleep.”

They continued to walk through the foyer to the door. “Should I get the person in charge of the announcements on Sunday to include something about a meeting for people interested in being servers?”

“Yeah, but first, let’s make sure Evelyn is okay with us having the server meeting at the same time as her meeting.”

“I’ll talk to her,” Will offered.


As they left the church, a light drizzle greeted them. There would be no lingering in the parking lot that night.

“Guess it’s a mad dash to the cars,” Janessa said, then turned to him. “Have a good week.”

“You too.”

Will jogged to his car, glancing over to make sure that Janessa made it to hers without incident. He wasn’t looking forward to getting home, where he’d be greeted by silence and would likely spend the rest of the evening on his computer or watching TV.

Those weren’t the worst things in the world. In fact, most of the time he enjoyed both of them. But sometimes, they made him feel just as dull as Daphne had said he was.

He appreciated that Janessa had tried to make him feel better, but she was a friend, and she’d known him forever. What else would she say? Jay would say the same thing to him. Friends were great, but they definitely saw things from a different perspective than someone he might date.

The next Monday, Will was at the church early to set up the small room they’d reserved for their meeting. Janessa had said she’d bring cookies and some cold drinks. Since they were expecting mainly teens and maybe a few young adults, they hadn’t been sure if coffee would be as popular.

He didn’t know how many people might show up, but he didn’t think there was going to be a huge response. After some internal debate, he set up a couple of tables and ten chairs, with more chairs stacked in the corner of the room, if needed.

“Hey,” Janessa said when she walked in a few minutes after he’d finished setting up the chairs. “Looks good. Thanks for doing that.”