Page 25 of Janessa

In fact, she might amp up her rumors. There were a few people in the gym who’d likely heard what was being said and might spread some rumors of their own. But Will had always heard that the truth never travelled as quickly as a lie. Plus, the gossip about him and Misha was more interesting than the truth that there was nothing going on between them.

“Well, are we ready to get to work?” Jay asked as he and Misha approached them.

“I think we’ve accomplished quite enough already,” Janessa said. “I vote we call it a day.”

Misha let go of Jay’s hand, then looped her arm through Janessa’s. “Let’s go get changed.”

Janessa allowed Misha to guide her to the changing rooms, leaving Will and Jay with Reese.

“A double date, Reese?” Will asked. “Really?”

Reese shrugged and gave him a grin. “You could do worse than Janessa. Alotworse.”

Will was aware of that, but he didn’t want things between him and Janessa to be awkward. At the moment, he was trying to getoutof an awkward situation, not get into another one.

Hopefully Janessa would just brush the comments aside as Reese being Reese. She was known for being outlandish in stuff she said and did. Never a dull moment with Reese around.

“Anyway, I’ve done my work here,” Reese said, brushing her hands together. “I’ll talk to you later, big bro. Love you.”

She gave Will a quick hug, then headed out of the gym.

“Did she even work out?” Jay asked as they watched her go.

“I have no idea. She was already here when we arrived.”

“She is a firecracker,” Jay said. “I can’t imagine how your parents have put up with her all these years.”

“With much God-given patience,” Will told him. “I’m not sure there’s any other explanation.”

Jay turned to look at him. “Are you doing okay?”

“I’m fine.” Will shrugged. “As fine as I can be, all things considered.”

“How are you feeling about Daphne?”

Will considered that question for a moment. The pain that accompanied thoughts of her had diminished over recent months. Unfortunately, the pain over the words she’d said while breaking up with him still lingered, and Will wasn’t sure if that would ever go away.

“I don’t love her anymore,” he said. “But the breakup still hurts some.”

Jay nodded. “It takes time. Just keep moving forward, and don’t feel like you need to rush into another relationship to prove you’re over Daphne.”

Will had no idea how long it would take to be ready for that. “How were you able to trust Misha after Casey hurt you?”

Jay didn’t answer the question right away. “I think it helped a lot that we had a friendship first. I didn’t immediately look at her as a potential girlfriend. I saw qualities in her that I liked—some of the same qualities I’d seen in Casey, to be honest—but I also saw other things about Misha that were different and attractive. That helped my feelings for her grow.”

“Even though she wanted a break from the relationship?”

Jay crossed his arms as he glanced toward the changing rooms. “As I looked at the whole situation, her request for a break made a lot of sense. Casey’s never did.”

“Well, yeah. I told you that I could understand why at the time.”

“And you talked some sense into me. She wasn’t asking for a break because she was tired of me like Casey seemed to be when she wanted a break. Misha asked for that break so that I could focus on whatever was distracting me. And we’re communicating much better now.”

Will was happy for Jay and Misha. Would he ever get to where he was ready to date again? Probably… but right then, the idea was a bit daunting. After what had happened with Daphne, he felt like he needed to change a lot about himself in order for a woman to want a long-term relationship with him.

Some might say that Marissa flirting with him was proof that he wouldn’t have a problem finding another girlfriend, but she knew nothing about him. She was probably just attracted by something physical that she liked about him.

Regardless, she wasn’t the type of woman he wanted to date. Anyone he would consider dating had to share his faith, and as far as he knew, Marissa didn’t.