Page 22 of Janessa

Will mirrored her stance from across the counter. “You might decide you enjoy it. Plus, your body will thank you.”

“I remember when Misha first started going. Her body didn’t thank her. In fact, I think she said it was angry with her. I’m inclined to think my body is much more likely to also be angry.”

Will chuckled, a bit surprised by how good it felt to laugh. It wasn’t something he did as readily these days. Janessa stared at him for a moment, then a grin slowly formed on her face.

“Don’t even try to tell me that you didn’t feel sore after your first workout,” she said.

Will shrugged. “Yeah. But it was a good hurt.”

Janessa rolled her eyes. “Now you really do sound like Jay.”

“You won’t know for yourself unless you come,” Will said. “Jay doesn’t think you’ll ever be able to work out the way Misha does. Wouldn’t you like to prove him wrong?”

“You’re really trying the mind games with me?” she asked, one of her dark brows quirked. “You don’t think Jay’s tried that on me already?”

“I have,” Jay confirmed as he sat down on a stool at the counter next to where Will stood.

“And we all know how well that worked,” Janessa said.

Misha joined them at the counter, slipping her arm around Jay’s shoulders. It was only because Jay was sitting down that she could reach them so easily.

“Come with us tonight,” Misha said. “You might decide you like it.”

“I have a book to finish reading,” Janessa informed them. “And it’s agreatbook.”

“I usually listen to an audio book when I’m on the treadmill,” Will said.

“So wait.” Janessa held up her hands. “If I go, I’m just going to listen to a book? Then what’s the use of going with you three? I might as well go by myself.”

Jay laughed. “Like that would ever happen.”

“You don’thaveto listen to an audio book or music,” Misha said. “Will and I talked when we were on the treadmills.”

“You probably shouldn’t have,” Janessa said. “Then maybe there wouldn’t have been a bunch of rumors about you guys.”

She wasn’t wrong.

“Just go, Nessa,” Charli said. “One time won’t kill you.”

“Are you sure? What proof do you have of that? It’s not like you’ve tested that theory yourself.”

Charli bumped her shoulder against Janessa’s. “You test the theory and let me know how it goes.”

Janessa’s brows drew together, and Will wondered if she was actually considering it. He’d mainly been teasing her, since in the past, the two of them had been united in their vocal opposition to exercising.

“If I go, no one better wake me up before noon tomorrow. I’m already tired from staying up too late last night.”

There was a moment of extended silence before Misha said, “For real? You’re going to come with us?”

She sighed. “I guess so. But if I die, I want a super duper fancy funeral.”

“You’re not going todie,” Jay scoffed.

Will had no idea why Janessa was actually considering going with them, but he wasn’t going to try to talk her out of it. The more the merrier. Plus, it would help to take the focus off him and Misha. Hopefully.

“We usually go around eight-thirty,” Misha said. “So, do you want to meet us there?”

“I don’t think we should let her make her own way there,” Jay said.