Page 16 of Janessa

“I certainly did,” Misha said. “And he was as surprised as I was that he was there.”

Janessa looked up again, her brow furrowed. “It better not have been Will. He can’t have gone to the dark side and actually started to like exercising.”

Misha grinned. “Oh, he most certainly has.”

“Noooo.” Janessa dropped her head back down onto her arms. “I’m too tired to deal with this, and it’s all your mom’s fault.”

“My mom? Why?” Misha set something on the table, and Janessa cracked one eye open and saw her mug.

“Thank you. She recommended a book to me, and I stayed up sooooo late reading it last night.”

Misha laughed as she sat down at the table with her own mug. “Mom’s done that lots of times herself.”

“New rule for book recommendations,” Janessa said as she straightened and lifted her mug. “She’s only allowed to give them to me on a Friday.”

“I’ll be sure to pass that on.”

Janessa took a sip of her coffee, then let out a long sigh. “Yum.”

“So no other comments on Will working out?”

“Was he actually working out? Or just hanging around the gym?”

“He was definitely working out,” Misha said.

“I’m never talking to him again.”

“Never talking to who again?” Jay asked as he walked into the breakroom with Gareth and Aria on his heels.

“Your best friend.”

Jay laughed as he bent to give Misha a kiss. Like Gareth and Aria, they mainly kept their PDA out of the office. But when no patients were around, they weren’t as careful.

“Will is working out?” Gareth poured coffee into a mug, then handed it to Aria. “Is he turning over a new leaf?”

“I called him a few minutes ago to ask him about it,” Jay said as he joined them at the table. “He decided to try working out to help him sleep. This was his third or fourth time going.”

“Now I feel bad,” Janessa said. “I admire him for trying to find a way to deal with that without relying on medication.”

“Yeah. He says he tosses and turns a lot, so exercising helps tire him out.”

“Is he not sleeping because of his breakup?” Janessa asked. “It’s been a couple of months already.”

“I know,” Jay said. “But Will has a tendency to internalize a lot of stuff. I’m beginning to think that perhaps more went on between him and Daphne at the end than he let on.”

“You haven’t asked him for details?” Gareth asked.

Jay frowned. “I did, but all he said was that they each wanted different things from the relationship, so it wasn’t going to work out. He did say she was avoiding him and not communicating for several weeks before the official breakup. I didn’t ask him more about it because I was a bit… distracted.”

Janessa kept sipping her coffee while keeping an eye on the clock so that they weren’t late opening the clinic. She hoped the coffee kicked in soon because she was going to be very low on energy that day if it didn’t.

And now she was distracted by the thought that Will was suffering in silence. Should she have talked with him more about how he was doing when they’d spoken on Monday night?

It wasn’t that she didn’t care about how he was doing. If anything, she probably cared too much. That had been part of the reason she had gotten so upset when Jay had confided in Will when he wasn’t talking to any of the rest of them.

Janessa had wanted Will to care enough about howshemight have been feeling when Jay shut down communications to tell her what was going on. She’d wanted him to think about her feelings, and when he hadn’t, her hurt had morphed into anger. Just like it had with Jay.

She would have been willing to talk with Will about what had happened with Daphne, and perhaps, had the breakup happened before everything with Jay, they could have talked about it. However, she doubted that he would confide in her about anything now, let alone his breakup, after she’d gotten so upset with him and Jay.