Page 132 of Janessa


Janessa stared at her reflection in the full-length mirror in the corner of her room. She smoothed her hands down the dress she’d chosen for her date with Will that evening, pleased with the fit and style.

After much debate, she’d decided on a lavender floral sundress with narrow straps and an off-the-shoulder flounce. She’d bought the dress specifically because Will had repeatedly told her how much he loved her in that color. A bonus was that she liked the color too, since it was a shade that flattered her skin tone and eye color.

The bodice of the dress was fitted down through her hips, where it then flared out into a full skirt that ended just below her knees. She’d chosen a pair of strappy white sandals with a bit of heel to complete her outfit.

Will had told her they’d be outside for the evening, which meant she had to gear her appearance choices to the heat. But even so, she’d left her hair down, despite the fact that wearing it up and off her neck would have been cooler. She’d made sure that the curls were to her liking before putting on a light layer of makeup that would hopefully not melt off her face.

“You look lovely,” her mom said as she stepped into Janessa’s open doorway. “Have you enjoyed your birthday so far?”

Janessa leaned into her mom as she slipped her arm around her. “I have.”

Her mom smiled at her in the mirror. “You look so much like your mom.”

Her words brought a smile to Janessa’s face. The last several months had been focused on her dealing with her fear. But at the same time, she’d begun to ask questions about her birth parents, wanting to know more about the people she’d lost.

Her mom and Jay had talked at length with her about them, and instead of shying away from the pain of loss, she’d embraced the full range of emotions she’d felt as she’d learned more about the mom and dad who had brought her into the world and raised her with love—even if it had been for such a short time.

Unfortunately, there hadn’t been as many memories to learn about her dad since Jay had been young when he’d died. He’d had more memories of their mom, but it had been Dan and Cathy—especially Cathy—who had been able to share about her the most.

“She would have been so proud of the woman you’ve become.”

Eight months earlier, Janessa might not have believed her. However, she’d done a lot of work with the counselor since then, and her relationships and outlook on life had all improved. And just as Will had promised, he and everyone in her family had been there to support her.

“I’m grateful that she decided to reach out to you and Dad when it became apparent that her time was limited.”

They’d talked at length about why her mom had contacted the Halversons to ask them if they’d take Jay and Janessa in when she passed. It had been extremely important to Janessa’s mom that her children be raised in the faith that had been so vital to her and her husband. She’d chosen not to reach out to their biological families to take them since they hadn’t been Christians.

Janessa had no idea if her parents’ families even knew all that had transpired, since her mom and dad had moved across the country and from what Cathy had said, they’d cut off all contact. She didn’t know the reasons why they’d severed that familial connection, but because of their decision, most likely the extended families were unaware of what had happened.

Her and Jay’s adoption had been finalized before her mom had even passed away. Janessa could only imagine how hard it must have been for her mom to make those arrangements in the last months of her life. But she’d died surrounded by people who loved and cared for her, and Janessa hoped that had given her peace.

Through Cathy, Jay and Janessa had learned that their parents had left behind middle-class families to forge a life of their own. Their dad had been pursuing a career in engineering, and though she could have had a career of her own, their mom had chosen to stay at home with her children. Their parents hadn’t been rich, but together, they had built a stable home with a foundation of faith.

All of that had been lost, however, with the death of their dad. It had left their mom struggling to put food on the table and provide a roof over their heads, while still parenting them, but she’d done her best.

Janessa and Jay had decided that they would contact their parents’ families at some point, but right then, they both felt they had enough going on in their lives to have to deal with whatever that contact might bring.

After avoiding talking about her parents for so many years, Janessa had learned to appreciate the happy memories she did have and those shared with her by Jay and her mom.

“Though I wish she was still here with us, I’m so grateful that you’re a part of our family,” her mom said. “We wouldn’t be the same without you.”

And of all the possible places they could have ended up, Janessa would be forever grateful that it had been with the Halversons. They might not share a skin color, but they shared a love that transcended any differences they might have. The Halversons had given them space to grow and find their place in the world their birth mom had placed them in.

“Hey, Nessa,” Charli said from the doorway. “Will’s here.”

Janessa smiled, excitement fluttering inside her. She had no idea where they were going, but she was looking forward to spending the evening with Will.

She followed her mom and Charli down the stairs to the living room, where Will, Aria, and Gareth were chatting. Will was dressed in a pair of black slacks and a light green button-down shirt. As she walked in, he turned toward her and smiled, his blue eyes shining with the love she knew he had for her.

“Hello, beautiful. You look, well… beautiful.”

“She does, doesn’t she?” her mom said as she went to stand next to Gareth. She slipped her hand around his arm and leaned her head against his shoulder as she looked at Janessa and Will.

“Always the most beautiful woman,” Will said.

“You’re making me blush,” Janessa told him as she stepped into his arms for a hug. She relished the feel of his arms around her and the light scent of his cologne that had become so familiar to her over the past eight months. “You happen to look very handsome yourself.”