Page 114 of Janessa

Janessa slid her arms around his waist and rested her head on his shoulder. “I enjoy spending time with you too, even when it’s at the gym.”

Will chuckled. “True love then, I guess.”

She tilted her head back and grinned at him. “Definitely.”

After giving her a final kiss, Will stepped back. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Text me when you get home,” Janessa said as Will opened the door.

“I will.” It was something she asked him to do every time they went their separate ways. He had an idea of why, so he had no problem doing it if it put her mind at ease.

“Love you.” He leaned in and gave her one more kiss.

“Love you, too.”

As he walked across the porch to the steps, he looked back to see she remained in the open doorway. She was also still there as he pulled away from the curb and headed for home.

Will couldn’t believe that after the heartache he’d endured over the past year that he had ended up at this point in his life. Some might say he was on the rebound, but as far as he was concerned, nothing could be further from the truth.

Dating Janessa wasn’t him dipping his toe back into the dating pool. No, he had dived fully into this relationship with her, and he’d had not one moment of regret.

He just hoped that was true for Janessa as well.


Cold air greeted them as they stepped out of the restaurant in Coeur d’Alene that they’d gone to for their Friday evening date. Janessa was glad when Will slipped his arm around her shoulders as they walked down the sidewalk. She appreciated the warmth of his closeness since the coldness of winter had fully settled over Serenity Point and the surrounding area.

Flakes fell steadily from the dark night sky to join the snow that had already accumulated on the sidewalk. The snowfall was heavier than it had been when they’d gone into the restaurant. Come morning, they’d probably have to brush off their cars and possibly shovel the driveway. Thankfully, the next day was Saturday, so they’d be in no rush to go anywhere.

The temperature had been hovering right around freezing for most of the day, but now with the heavy moisture in the air, it felt even colder. Janessa was glad for the thick scarf around her neck and the gloves she wore to help keep the cold at bay. But best of all was the warmth from Will as he held her close for the walk to the car.

Christmas lights twinkled in the windows of the restaurant and the surrounding buildings, even though they hadn’t yet celebrated Thanksgiving. The snow certainly brought with it a Christmassy feeling, and Janessa was excited for the coming holiday season, even more than she usually was, thanks in large part to how her friendship with Will had evolved into romance.

In the days since she’d told Will she loved him, her emotions had ping-ponged all over the place. Her love hadn’t been the issue. It was the fear that kept trying to eclipse everything. Voicing their love for each other had taken everything to a whole new level, which, unfortunately, had ramped up her fear, too.

She kept telling herself that everything was going to be okay. Her fear was unwarranted. People around her were falling in love without fear. Even Jay had never let fear hold him back, since he’d had two serious relationships.

It was just her, which logically told her that she should be able to get over it. And yet… she couldn’t.

Nights were the worst. When she lay in bed with nothing but the darkness and her thoughts, worst-case scenarios would roll through her mind. One after another. Something happening to Will. Having kids and something bad happening to her and Will so that their kids were left orphans.

Too many times, those thoughts had led to tears and silent weeping into her pillow, along with an ache so deep inside her heart that it robbed her of breath.

It was only when she was with Will or had other things to occupy her mind that she didn’t dwell on it. Somehow, she needed to figure out how to live in the moment and stop allowing her mind to imagine all the things that could go wrong.

She may not have sought after a relationship, but now that she was in one, Janessa didn’t want to give it up. Janessa was so thankful for Will, who treated her like she was special and someone to be cherished. It was an amazing feeling, and she wanted to keep him forever. But there was nothing she could do to guarantee that, which was why the fear gnawed at her.

When they reached the car, Will opened her door, but before she slid into the seat, Janessa turned toward him. Smiling, she looked up at him. Snow swirled around them, and Janessa would have enjoyed the feeling of being in a snow globe with the man she loved if it hadn’t been for the fact that they had to drive home on snowy roads.

When she slipped her arms around his waist, Will didn’t hesitate to do the same with her. As he dipped his head, Janessa welcomed the gentle press of his lips against hers. The warmth of his embrace chased away the cold that surrounded them, and Janessa never wanted to leave his arms.

As their kiss ended, Will rubbed his nose against hers, then lifted his head to press a kiss to her forehead. “I love you so much.”

Those words never ceased to amaze her. But the best part of hearing them from Will was the assurance they gave her that she wasn’t alone in her feelings. “I love you so much, too.”

“I really enjoyed this evening.” Will’s arms tightened around her. “But then I enjoy any time I get to spend with you.”

Janessa leaned forward and tucked her head into the space between his neck and shoulder, appreciating the warmth of his skin, the prickle of his beard on her forehead, and the subtle scent of the cologne he wore. “I feel the same.”