Page 111 of Janessa

“We’ll bring you something,” Will promised her.

“We will?” Janessa asked.

“Yes.” Charli dropped a bag of fries onto the counter next to the air fryer. “Your boyfriend was nice enough to agree to bring me some adult food from wherever you eat.”

“We’re going to a movie afterward, though, so it’ll probably be cold by the time we get home.”

“No worries,” Charli assured her. “I’m a pro at warming food up.”

“That you are,” Janessa agreed. “Once we decide where we’re eating, I’ll let you know so you can decide what to order from their menu.”

“Thanks. I knew you were my favorite sister for a reason.”

“You don’thavea favorite sister,” Janessa said as she pulled on her jacket.

“Well, that’s sort of true. I think each of you is my favorite for different reasons.”

“And right now, I’m your favorite for bringing you food.”

Charli grinned at her. “Yep!”

“Okay. We’d better go, so we have time to eat before the movie.”

“Have fun, you two,” Charli called out as they left the kitchen.

Janessa held Will’s hand as they walked from the house to where Will had parked earlier. He opened the passenger door for her and waited until she was settled before closing it.

Once he was behind the wheel, he started the car and turned up the heat. It felt like the temperature had dropped considerably even in the short time he’d been inside.

“So, what are you in the mood for?” Will asked as he drove toward the road that would take them out of Serenity.

“Today feels like a hearty meal sort of day,” Janessa said as she settled her hand over his where it lay on the console. He flipped his hand over so he could thread their fingers together. “I think I’d really like some lasagna.”

“That sounds good to me.”

Janessa pulled out her phone to check the recommendations for the best Italian food in Coeur d’Alene. Once they decided where they were going, she let Charli know.

Some might question why they’d be willing to drive so far for their dates. It had started as a way to avoid running into people they knew. However, now, Will found he enjoyed the drive because it gave them extended time to talk without any other distractions.

With a Christian radio station playing softly in the background, they chatted comfortably about a variety of things. But even when they lapsed into silence, it wasn’t awkward, though it also never lasted too long.

By the time they reached the restaurant, Charli had texted what she wanted them to order. The place was busy, so they had to wait a few minutes for a table.

“I’m starving,” Janessa said as they looked over their menus a short time later. “So please don’t judge me if I inhale my food.”

Will chuckled. “I won’t judge you if you don’t judge me.”

“Agreed. Judgment free zone.”

They ended up getting two different meals, with a plan to share them.

While they waited for their meals, Will said, “Have you thought about what movie you’d like to see?”

Janessa wrinkled her nose. “Nothing out there is really interesting to me at the moment. Was there something you wanted to see?”

“Not really.”

“Do you mind if we just go somewhere for dessert after we’re done here?”