Page 74 of Janessa

Mom:Are you sick, sweetie?

It’s not for me. Janessa mentioned last night that she wasn’t feeling well. I thought your soup might make her feel better.

Mom:Well, I hope it does. I won’t be here when you’re done at school, but the soup will be in the fridge freezer with a label on it.

Thanks, Mom. Love you.

Mom:Love you, too!

Smiling, Will slid his phone back into his desk drawer. As he waited for the next class to fill the seats, he wondered what his mom would think of his newly discovered feelings for Janessa.

She hadn’t been a big fan of Daphne’s, especially in the last year or so, but she’d always been gracious in accepting her at family events. Will had a feeling that his mom would like Janessa a lot better as his girlfriend than she ever had Daphne.

His mom and Cathy Halverson were good friends, but then, his mom had been friends with Daphne’s mom, too. She wasn’t as close with Daphne’s mom, but they’d definitely gotten along. Until the break-up…

The rest of the day passed fairly quickly, then he went by his parents’ house to pick up the soup. He used the code lock on the door to let himself in, then went to the fridge to find it.

As promised, it was in the freezer. The container was a decent size, so it might even last Janessa a couple of meals. He knew she was going to like it because his mom’s chicken noodle soup was amazing.

Janessa was probably still at work, so Will stopped by his apartment to drop off his work bag and to change from his school clothes into a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. Once he was done at Janessa and Charli’s, he planned to make a trip to the store for some groceries. And since he wasn’t in the mood to cook, he’d probably stop somewhere to grab a burger.

It was just after five when he pulled up to the curb in front of the large house where Janessa and Charli lived. He didn’t see Janessa’s car in the driveway, but Charli’s was, so he went ahead and got out and approached the front door.

After he rang the doorbell, the door swung open to reveal Charli. Smiling, she said, “Wow. To what do we owe the pleasure?”

“I wanted to give Janessa something,” he said.

“She’s not home yet, but you’re welcome to wait.” Moving back, she waved for him to step into the foyer.

“How was school?” he asked as he followed her into the kitchen.

“It was pretty good.” She reached into the cupboard for a glass. “Want something to drink?”

“Sure. Water would be great.”

“How was the high school?” she asked as she filled the glass, then set it down on the counter in front of where he stood.

“It was fine. I’m getting ready to start up my after-school math club.”

“That was never a club I aspired to be part of, I have to say. Though I probably should have.”

Will sat down at the counter, setting the bag with the soup container in it on the stool next to him. “You’re not alone in that.”

“Did they have that club back when we were in high school?”


“But I guess you didn’t need to be part of it.”

“Not as a student, but I did go each week to help as a tutor.”

“Already a teacher back in the day.”

Will shrugged. “What can I say? I loved math, and I loved teaching others.”

“Never wanted to be a… well, whatever other career people who are good at math end up in. An accountant, maybe?”

Will chuckled. “I considered it, but teaching seemed a lot more interesting to me.”