Page 71 of Janessa

“Yep.” She flashed him a quick smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Just not feeling great.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.” He glanced over the people gathered in the room. “If you need to go, I can take care of this.”

“No. I’ll be okay.”

Will didn’t like the idea of Janessa pushing through if she wasn’t feeling well, but he couldn’t force her to sit it out. “Let me know what you want me to do.”

She nodded, then asked everyone to find a seat. Once the chairs around the tables were filled, she laid out the plan for the meeting.

It was clear that she’d been there earlier because there were supplies on a table against the wall. She picked up a tray with a couple of plates on it, then showed them how they would need to serve the meal at the Fall Dinner.

Will leaned against the wall and watched, not having anything to add to what Janessa was telling the servers. He enjoyed seeing her interact with the group that was made up mainly of teens, but he could see that she wasn’t as enthusiastic as usual.

There were no little jokes or sarcastic remarks like there had been at the last meeting. Just a straightforward presentation on what they needed to do.

She gave off an air of tiredness, and Will wondered just how badly she might be feeling.

“Is Mr. Kennedy going to learn too?” one teen asked. “In case we need an extra person?”

Janessa glanced over at him, lifting her brows.

“Uh…” Will lowered his arms as he straightened. “I have done this before, you know.”

“But it was probably decades ago, right?” one of the guys said. “Back when you were our age?”

“My word. I’m notthatold.” Though it probably had been at least a decade, so perhaps he was. “I’m sure it’s like riding a bicycle.”

“Let’s test that theory,” the guy said.

Janessa didn’t weigh in, but as Will approached her, she took the tray from the girl standing next to her. When she held the tray out to him, Will hesitated only a moment before taking it.

“Here are the plates,” the girl said as she lifted them from the table.

Janessa put them on the tray, then stepped back. “There you go.”

Moving carefully, Will set a plate in front of the teen guy who’d been making comments. “Enjoy.”

“Could I have the chicken instead of the fish?” the guy asked.

“Sorry. The chicken is all gone.”

“Are there even going to be food options?” a girl asked. “Or are we serving everyone the same thing?”

“Everyone gets the same meal,” Janessa said. “So you won’t have to worry about people pestering you for other food.”

“Stop being a pest, Sean,” the girl said to the boy who’d requested chicken. “No chicken for you.”

The kids continued to banter with Will as he put the remaining plates down with a flourish that he wouldn’t have if they’d actually had food on them.

After he’d proven that he could, in fact, step in if necessary, Janessa went on to explain a few other things about what they’d be serving. She was definitely covering all the bases, despite the fact that she wasn’t feeling well.

“Okay. Great job, everyone. Any questions?” Janessa asked once everyone had had a chance to practice.

She fielded a couple, then, after making sure everyone understood what the uniform for the evening was, she dismissed them.

“Can a few of you stay to help clean up?” Will asked, hoping that would make things easier for Janessa.

About half the group stuck around, some carrying the dishes to the kitchen, while a couple of the guys helped put the tables and chairs away.