Page 12 of Janessa

Will had seemed happy enough with Daphne, so no one had said anything about it. Partly because they were already used to no-show girlfriends because of their experience with Casey. Though the two girlfriends shared some similarities, they weren’t friends, and from what Jay had said, the two couples rarely hung out together.

Janessa wondered if maybe Daphne and Misha might have gotten along better, but somehow, she doubted it.

“Well, hopefully something will work out for you in the future,” Charli said. “I mean, Jay went on to find a better, stronger relationship, and you could too.”

Janessa gave her sister an incredulous look. For Charli to give relationship advice was truly hilarious, since this was a woman who eschewed all attempts by others to get her to consider dating.

“I’m not even thinking about that,” Will said with a shake of his head and a grimace.

Janessa couldn’t blame the guy. But she hoped that if he did decide to date again, that he’d find someone nice the way Jay had.


Will wasn’t as reluctant to attend the next committee meeting, though he still would rather have been at home working on his lessons or grading papers. He didn’t think he had much to contribute, regardless of what his mom said.

When Will reached the room where the committee was meeting, Eva greeted him once again. This time, she had a familiar face with her.

“Hi, Denise,” he said. “Are you part of this committee now, too?”

Denise greeted him with a smile and a quick hug. The first few times she’d hugged him, he’d been a bit surprised. Not because he wasn’t used to motherly hugs—he was, thanks to his mom and Cathy, Jay’s mom—but because she hadn’t known him very well yet. Now, however, he welcomed her hugs. And her cookies.

“Eva suggested that I join the committee to help with the food.”

“Oh, well, then we’re in for a real treat,” Will told her. “I’ve yet to eat anything you’ve made that hasn’t made my taste budsveryhappy.”

Denise’s smile widened. “You know I love to cook, so if I can help, I’m more than happy to.”

Janessa walked in and came right over to where they stood. They didn’t have long to chat with her before Evelyn asked everyone to get what food and drink they wanted and then to sit down. Will grabbed a cup of coffee, then made his way to where there were a few empty seats.

This time, it didn’t surprise him when Janessa sat down next to him. Denise joined them as well, claiming the chair on Janessa’s other side.

After taking a sip of his coffee, Will leaned a bit closer to Janessa. “Are you going to give a report of our ideas?”

“You’re the teacher,” she said. “I thought you’d give the report.”

“No. Because I’m the teacher, I assign others to give the report.”

Janessa laughed. “Okay, fine, teacher. I’ll do it.”

“Thanks,” Will said, relieved he didn’t have to do it. “I appreciate it.”

“You owe me one.”

“I do.” Though he had no idea what he could do to pay her back. It wasn’t like she needed tutoring anymore, which was about all he had to offer anyone.

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

Will wasn’t sure what to make of Janessa’s recent friendliness. He’d asked Jay if he and his sister had worked things out, but his friend had said that he hadn’t talked with Janessa about what had happened to cause a rift in their relationship.

Though Will wanted to ask her what he’d done to upset her so much to start with, he also didn’t want to tick her off again. Who knew how long it would take her to get back to this point of civility again if that happened.

His parents had always told them it was better to talk through issues, rather than just sweeping them under the rug. Because of their advice, his preference was to talk things through, but with Daphne, she’d often refused to talk. And with Janessa… well, he wasn’t sure if it was worth risking the possibility of making her mad again. For some reason, having her angry with him didn’t sit well.

“We don’t have a lot of time,” Evelyn said after she opened the meeting with prayer. “So I hope we’ve made some progress. Would anyone like to share the ideas they’ve come up with this week?”

Eva didn’t hesitate to share what she and the others on the food sub-committee thought would work well for a large number of people. Another woman spoke on décor options for the tables and the room.

Will still felt out of place as one of only two men present—the other guy was there with his wife. However, no one seemed to be looking at him like he didn’t belong there.