Page 3 of Love Again

I feel a pang of jealousy. Regina never thought anything Chloe gave her was interesting. She didn't even act happy getting field flowers. Her son runs to Brandi who picks him up in one big swoop. "Sorry about that." She says brushing off her jeans. I can't stop being in awe of her. At how well she is put together. What a good mom she is makes her even more attractive. The words come out of my mouth before I can stop them. "Will you have dinner with me?" She freezes at my words, eyes wide. I can't stop looking at her. Her big green eyes soften, though she stands still like she has been caught doing something wrong. She laughs, she fucking laughs. At me. "I'm sorry, I don't know why I am laughing." I step forward crowding her space. She looks up at me. "It’s just been a long time since I've been asked on a date, not that you asked me on a date. Oh god." She groans covering her face with her hands. "It’s a date." I say quickly. She peers through her fingers at me. Then looks back at Brandi who smiles at us and shakes her head yes. I glance back down. Not realizing she's almost a foot shorter than I. She huffs a breath. "Okay. Sure. When?" She squares her shoulders to seem confident, but I know she is secretly nervous. This is something I like about her. She's strong. "Tonight?" I ask. She bites her bottom lip nervously. "Sure, let me ask Brandi if she can check in on kids later tonight. Does six o'clock work for you?" She asks me.

"I can be there by six."

"I can meet you." She objects.

"Nonsense. It's a date. I'll text you." I whisper dropping my lips dangerously close to her ears.

She takes a deep breath and blows it out after I pass her. I give Brandi a small nod while I walk back to my truck.

I just landed a date with the most beautiful woman I've laid eyes on. My nerves are going crazy. My dick is going crazy. I should probably relieve myself before I take her out and make a fool of myself. Not that I'd try anything on the first date, unless she wanted too. I make a mental note to stop at the small store for condoms. Shit. They would know. Time to go to the next big town over. Chloe needs new clothes for summer coming up anyway, maybe I can take her. But buying condoms with my teenage daughter around isn't appropriate. I squash the idea altogether. Under no circumstances will I be fucking the sexy Laramie Jones tonight.

Chapter 7


What am I doing? I can't go to dinner with him. I'll make a fool of myself. He's my son’s baseball coach. I can't. This is so embarrassing. Why did I agree to this? I still have a few hours. I can cancel. Yes. I will cancel. I grab my phone from the kitchen island. Brandi sent me a message ten minutes ago saying she was on her way over. Shit! She won't let me out of this. Jepp is napping, Jade is coloring, and the twins are with their friends. Just then my front door opens. Brandi stalks through quietly. Knowing our routine. Though it's a little off today. Given the first baseball practice. My heart is so full knowing that Jaxson is going to be starting the first couple of games. That is big for being new on the team. I am so proud of my boy. Brandi hugs me and smiles wide. Clothes draped over her arm. She looked like she was about to say something, but I cut her off quickly. "I can't go Brandi." I croak out. She places her hands on my shoulders and looks at me. "You. Are. Going. Laramie." She means business. I want to cry. I know I shouldn't. I just haven't been in the position. I haven't had a first date in twenty-one years. This is absurd. I take a seat on the barstool. "Brandi. I'm a freaking thirty-seven-year-old widow of four kids. Ican’tdo this." I'm defeated. When I lost Alan, I lost a piece of me. I can’t just move on. Brandi dumps the clothes on the island and sits next to me. Her hands on my knees. "Laramie. I love you. You're like my sister. Alan was like my brother. But honey youhaveto allow yourself to move on." Tears fill my eyes. I understand what she is saying. I do. I just feel guilty. I loved Alan with everything. "I can’t." I whisper letting the tears fall.

"Yes, you can. I know it’s not easy babe. Do you really think Alan would want you to be alone for the rest of your life?" I huff out a fake laugh "Yes." Brandi swats my arm. "No, he wouldn't Laramie. You know that." Her tone serious. "The last five years I've seen you all fall apart. You put yourself and the kids back together. You need time for yourself, you deserve to be happy. You deserve the best Laramie. If you're not romantically interested in Maverick, then fine. You gained a new friend.Allowyourself to see where this goes.Allowyourself to move on honey.Please." Her voice cracks. I can’t look at her, I know if I do I will lose it. She's been my rock all my life, well as far as I can remember. "Let the kids’ hangout with cool aunt Brandi. Maybe we will watch The Exorcist!" She says excitedly and chuckles. I give her a pointed look.

"Absolutely not. Evil one." I laugh. I feel for my best friend. She had miscarriages and finally gave up. They learned she had cervical cancer ten years ago and had to take a fallopian tube. Making their chances even slimmer. She gave up. I felt guilty for having Jade and Jepp knowing she couldn't carry her own, but she loves them like her own. I couldn't be more thankful for her. I sniffle "Okay I’ll go. For you." She stands from the chair. "No for you! Now get your fine ass up those stairs and figure out what you're wearing. I brought options!" She says running up my stairs probably to go get Jepp. The bond they have is amazing. She helped me with his name. But only because she was obsessed with the men from Duck Dynasty. I glance at my phone three more hours until he will be here. I still need to make the kids dinner and get ready, but with Brandi here.I got this.


"I can't do this." I say pacing my bathroom. I've changed my outfitthreetimes. Because I can't decide which pair of jeans to wear with my booties. The shirts show too much cleavage. Which makes me look eager. And I'm not.I am not eager. Maybe handholding, but nothing past that. Having a shirt that shows my cleavage will make me look available. Am I available? Fuck. I'm losing it. "Shush it woman! Red shirt, dark jeans and your booties will look amazing!" Brandi says. She helped make dinner for the kids - that are currently downstairs in front of the television while we finish the process of me getting ready. I did light makeup with some highlight, mascara and nude lipstick. I added some beach waves to my hair now I feel like I am trying too hard on my outfit. "Come on babe. The red is a great compliment to your skin and hair." Brandi says trying to talk me into the dark red low-cut lace shirt. I suppose my black leather jacket would look good with it too. "Like Maverick will notice the contrast between all that." I say rolling my eyes. "You never know, he may surprise you." She winks. I give in and put the red shirt back on. Adjusting my breast so they don't topple out of this damn thing. I grab the jacket from my closet and stand in front of my floor length mirror. Brandi comes close and wraps her arms around me. She rests her head on my shoulder and stares at me in the mirror. "You're beautiful. I hope you have so much fun. It's okay to do this. Stop overthinking." She kisses my cheek just as the doorbell rings. My heart sinks. Here's to the first date I've had in over twenty years. I glance at my nightstand. A picture of Alan and I on our wedding day. I stop and pick up the frame. Running my fingers over it. "Give me some guidance Alan. I love you." I place the photo back down and slowly make my way to the stairs. Jax and Juliet are not back yet thankfully. I'm sure Jade and Jepp will tell on me. Maybe Brandi is right. Alan wouldn't want me to just wallow away alone. He loved me. He would want me to be happy. If anything, Maverick will be a new friend. Though the things I feel when he is near me is not what typical friends feel.

I make my way down the stairs. When I round the corner to the living area, Jepp is showing Maverick his rocks he found and painted from the park. "They're so cool buddy!" He exclaims. I smile. Taking in Mavericks outfit. His jeans cling to his muscular butt and thighs. He is wearing a white button-down shirt with sleeves rolled up exposing his tattoos. I've read books about 'arm porn' looking at Mavericks arms, Arm porn is a real thing. There is nothing small about this man. No ball cap tonight. I see his dark brown hair that is a little shaggy in front but not covering his eyes. He smiles at me when I reach his eyes. God he is all man. A very beautiful man. My mind goes places it shouldn't. Especially with my kids and Brandi around. "You kids have fun." Brandi says scooting us towards the door. "I'm staying. So, feel free to stay outallnight." She whispers in my ear and winks. I roll my eyes. Dear God.

We make our way to Mavericks Dodge truck. He opens the passenger door. I grab the ‘oh shit’ handle and jump in. Once situated. Maverick looks at me with fascination. He's not used to country girls who can climb in a truck without help I suppose. He smiles and shakes his head as if he can read my mind. Shutting the door for me he rounds the truck. I squeeze my legs together. Praying I can get through this night without worrying about the ache between my thighs.

Chapter 8


She is stunning. I had no words to say. I still haven't found the right way to compliment her. "You look beautiful, and I want to shove my face in your tits." No can't say that. She will hop out of my truck so quick. How about "That red shirt makes your hair and tits stand out." Jesus fuck Maverick get it together and stop thinking about the woman'stits. She glances over at me with a puzzled look. "Everything okay?" She asks. No. I can't stop fantasizing about you on top of me with your huge perky breast in my face, in my mouth.God damn it.Not to mention her perfect peach shaped ass in my face when she climbed in my truck. I could've creamed my pants like a teenager watching her do that. I clear my throat "Yes. You just look beautiful. I don't know what to say." I notice the blush that creeps up her cheeks and chest. "Thank you. Where are you taking me?"

"I asked my buddy if I could use his field tonight. Figured it's a nice enough night we can have a dinner picnic?" I say with a question in case she hates the idea. She gives me a big smile. "Perfect."

We pull into the back entrance of the field. I hop out to undo the chain and open the big metal gate. We pull through and I lock it back up. Ryan's horses are not in this field, but you never know who may try to enter. I park near a tree. The leaves have not budded yet, so we still have the sun over us. Getting out of the car, I make my way to her side. She's already jumped down by the time I get to her. Her tits bouncing slightly. "Sorry." She says looking at my face. Her eyes are so beautiful, I can’t stop staring. Fuck. I just want to brand her and make her mine. I've never felt this pull to a woman before. I smile, turning away from her before I make a fool of myself. Opening the door to the backseat I grab out a blanket and a basket. I leave the door open to come back for the cooler. Dropping the tailgate, I hop up with ease. Laying the blanket across the bed of the truck. I reach my hand out for Laramie. She smiles up at me. The sun setting behind her cast a beautiful glow around her dark hair and green eyes. I am practicing the most self-control in all my life. She grabs my hand, with my hand wrapped around her wrist I pull her into me. She hits my chest with ahumph. I was more forceful than necessary. "I'm so sorry." I say in almost a whisper. Feeling guilty I look down at her. She peeks up at me through her long natural eyelashes. I can't take not kissing her. So, I go for it. She licks her lips, not taking her eyes off mine. "Can I kiss you Laramie?" I ask inches from her mouth. My eyes locked in on hers while I bend down. Her eyes widen as she gives a quick nod. I press my lips against hers gently. There soft like I knew they would be. It's just a chaste kiss. No tongue, no teeth. But I know for certain I want to do it again and again. I pull away before I devour her. Her eyes flutter open as she looks at me with lust in her eyes. "I'm sorry. I've wanted to do that since I first seen you." I admit. It's true. She stopped me in my tracks when I saw her. From that moment I knew I had to make her mine. Laramie giggles and looks away from me. I place my finger beneath her chin and make her look at me. Her soft eyes staring back at me. I place another small kiss on her lips. She sucks in a breath when I do. I stop myself from going further, knowing that if I deepen this kiss, we will not be eating or getting to know one another any time soon. "Sit down babe."

Jumping down from the tailgate I grab a body pillow and a cooler. I place the cooler on the tailgate and hop up. Laramie leans forward as I place the pillow against the truck behind her. Kneeling, I open the cooler. "Would you like water, wine or a coke?" She is sitting upright with her arms folded under her breast. "Mm. Wine and water please."

I grab the small wine bottles and water bottles. I hand her both then open the basket of food. I went to the local sandwich shop for tonight’s dinner, now I wish I would have taken her anywhere else, but I wanted Laramie to myself... "I didn't know what you liked, so I got one of each sandwich." I say with a smile. She smiles and grabs a turkey club. Not hesitating to unwrap the sandwich and take a bite. My dick stirs against my jeans as I watch her eat.Who the fuckam I?I've resorted to thinking a woman eating a sandwich is a turn on. She wipes her mouth with a napkin. Taking a drink of the water. "So where are you from?" She asks me.

"Des Moines originally." I say in between bites. She bob's her head up in down while she chews. "Nice. I haven’t been there in 20 years." She says crinkling her eyes like she had to think about it. I watch her open the small wine bottle and take a gulp. Watching her exposed neck, I have to adjust myself.Get a grip Maverick.I internally scold myself. Why is this woman having such an effect on me? "What did you go there for?"

She smiles, a look of sadness crosses her face. "Alan, my late husband. He played baseball, we went to state and lost to Roosevelt High School. She laughs again. I go still.

"I went there. I probably played that game. " I say softly not wanting to upset her. Her eyes widen and she laughs harder. I laugh too, because what else am I supposed to freaking do? Finally, silence falls over us while we finish our food. It's not awkward. It's comfortable. The sun has set, and I place a small lantern on the tailgate for light. She sighs. Leaning against the pillow. "Its beautiful out here." She whispers. While looking at the stars. As I stare at her, I couldn’t agree more. Taking in the features of her button nose, perfect pouty lips high cheek bones. "It is." She turns towards me and smiles. "So, tell me more about you. Kids? Divorce? Did you always want to be a baseball coach?" She moves to grab another wine. Maybe she is nervous. She comes back and lays on her side facing me. I follow her lead and lay on my side as well. I laugh. "Yes, to your first two questions." She nods waiting for me to continue. "I have a thirteen-year-old daughter, Chloe, I was married. Divorced almost two years now. No. I didn't always want to be a coach." I pause. Studying her face. She stares at me with her big green eyes. Hanging on to every word I say. The light from the lantern makes her eyes glow brighter somehow. As she stares at me, I realize I could tell this woman anything. I would give heranything. "I played in the minors. Was hopeful I would make it pro, however I met Chloes mom. She turned my world upside down." Her face softens and I can almost see the hurt from my words in her eyes. "I'm sorry." She whispers. "What happened if you don't mind me asking?"

I tell her about how I met her after a game. We won the Triple A national championship and went to celebrate. One thing led to another, and we had hooked up. I was gearing up to be in the MLB with the Cardinals to be closer to home. When Regina showed up at the practice field with a baby on her hip. Chloe looked just like me as a baby so was no denying, she was mine. We had a paternity test done anyway. I was shocked. Being 24 with a child when all I wanted was to play ball. "I fell in love with Chloe right away. She was

perfect. We left Texas and came home. Regina seemed to be doing great, we were learning to get to know one another but she played me." I say somber. Remembering how she ruined my career, but I still married her. I still tried to make it work for my little girl. I feel Laramie’s warm hand on my arm. She gives me a puzzled look. "What happened?"

I give a small smile. Normally I do not like sharing this story, but I want to know Laramie. Even more I want her to know me. "Chloe was staying with my parents one night. They were ecstatic about having a grand baby. I found a house outside of Des Moines. Still close to the city. My friends from high school came over to have a party and to meet Regina, there were drugs in the house, and I knew that. I didn't think anything of it, because I wasn't the one doing it." I take a breath for what I'm about to say next. "Regina had mixed pills and coke and alcohol. She almost died. The cops were called. More coke was found in the house as well as Marijuana. All hers mind you. I had no idea it was even there."

"When news broke, St Louis terminated my contract and gave me a small payout, since I was already signed to them. I placed it in savings. Regina didn't know about it. She swore she would get clean and stay sober. I believed her. For a while she seemed fine. So, I decided to marry her." I chuckle. "Looking back now I wish my mother would have smacked me." Laramie giggles but quickly stops herself. "She didn't stay sober though, did she?" Her soft voice soothes me. I shake my head. "Over the years it got worse. We would go back and forth. I finally kicked her out. She would come around with whatever dealer boyfriend she was with at the time, asking me for money. Begging for a place to stay." "By that time my parents were gone. It was just Katy and me. She helped me a lot with Chloe. I told Regina I wanted a divorce. She just needed to sign the paperwork. She never showed. Begged me to help her. She went to rehab when Chloe was seven. Completed her 30 days. Then went to sober living. She was doing great for three years. Then it was like a switch went off and the cycle continued. I was fed up. She showed up at my attorney’s office and signed paperwork to terminate her rights and divorce. She didn't show for the court hearing. Chlo was all mine.” I say with a huge smile. Laramie smiles back at me. “Katy and I wanted a fresh start. I still have money invested and saved from my time on the league and the busted contract payout. Figured I'd could inspire kids and get back in the game somehow. So here I am." I gesture myself and the

field around us. "Here you are." She smiles again. "Thank you for sharing your story with me." I didn't notice her hand working circles around my forearm. It's been a while since I've been in a setting like this with a woman. I glance back at her. Her eyes are closed as she lays flat on her back now. She looks so peaceful out here with the stars and the moon. The breeze has picked up a bit, I can't tell if it's her touch or the wind that cause the goosebumps on my arm. I grab the blanket from by the cooler and drape it over us. I lay back down beside her. This feels natural she feels right. "So, tell me about you."